Support appreciated

Some of the Warwick Spinners and Weavers Group
Warwick Spinners and Weavers Group Inc wish to thank the management of Rose City Shoppingworld for their generosity and support for their group over the past three seasons of Jumpers & Jazz in July.
According to a spokes-person, each year the shopping centre allows the group to have a prominent position to present their handcrafted items.
“Our members work from one festival to the next to create an array of items,” the spokesperson said.
“Skills used in producing these include hand spinning, knitting, felting, crocheting and weaving.”
Members enjoy the opportunity of sharing crafts with many visitors from near and far.
“Men, women and children alike are fascinated by our wheels merrily spinning,” she said.
“Children enjoy the opportunity to see and feel natural fleeces from sheep, goats and alpaca.
“We meet to spin each Wednesday at Atkinson House, Slade Campus and two Monday evenings a month at members’ homes.”
If interested, please call Heather on 4661 4424 or Jean on 4661 3115.