Letters to the editor

This week's letter is about the Killarney communities desire for increased library services.

Crazy debt

With the Southern Downs Regional Council’s approval of the upgrading of Stanthorpe Art Gallery and Library comes an absolute disregard for the struggling small villages under their care (who) are now forced to help pay for this massive unnecessary extra debt.

Cr Tancred in last week’s Warwick Today paper stated there was a lack of lobbying against the project, blind Freddy could see that it would be unpopular.

I thank Crs Ross Bartley and Cynthia McDonald for their common sense voting against the motions. The good people of Killarney want, need, and deserve their own library and have been asking for over two years, obviously Cr Tancred has not listened when he says he is glad Killarney people have made their desire for a library known to us, now the council have a ‘plan’ let’s see if it eventuates before work finishes at Stanthorpe.

No need for a reply to this letter as it’s all been said with the approval.

Marg Murphy, Killarney/Mt Colliery

(editor’s note: It was Cr Gale who stated he was glad Killarney people had made their desire for a library known to the Council.)