Editor’s Desk

Garry Howe.

Imagine walking off an apple orchard outside Stanthorpe or packing up your desk in a Warwick office and heading overseas to places you’ve never heard of to fight an unknown army.

It’s hard to fathom these days, but many did just that in the early part of the last century out of a sense of duty to King and Country. Have a look at the many names on war memorials throughout the region – and look again for those with an asterisk beside them who did not return.

The Allora memorial acknowledges John Leak, who won our highest military honour, the Victoria Cross, for his bravery at Pozieres in France in 1916.

Historian John Telfer touches on another brave soul, William Chatham, in this edition. He was held in such high regard that High Command named a ridge he and his men captured on the Gallipoli Peninsula “Chatham’s Ridge”.

Today, at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause to remember not only those heroic deeds, but all who put life and limb on the line for the sake of others, back then and in all conflicts since. Lest we forget.

-Garry Howe