Christmas luncheon a social affair

President Archie Gillam reported on a very busy but successful year for the H&J Social Club at their Christmas luncheon on December 2.

Social activities for the year, whilst limited, were well supported and great days out.

On the fundraising front the band of dedicated raffle sellers excelled again, with the club being able to top up previous donations to charities to a total of $5600 for 2012.

This week cheques for $1000 each are going out to St Vincent De Paul Society, Blue Care, Salvation Army, Care Flight and Akooramak, which is a great achievement by all members.

In total, since 1998, the club has donated $27,987 to charitable causes.

Special thanks must be afforded the following local businesses which have generously supported club fundraising activities: Supa IGA, Betta Home Living, Warwick Farmers Market, Eagle Boys and especially the management and staff at the Horse & Jockey Hotel.

Also, not to be forgotten are the hotel patrons that generously support club raffles each week.

The management committee wish all our members and supporters a very merry and safe Christmas and New Year period and look forward to greater achievements when activities resume in February 2013.