Big change for Campdraft

Campdraft action from last year's show. Picture: Paul Boatfield

By Margie Davies, Stanthorpe Agricultural Society

Expecting to see the Campdraft on the Show Weekend? Think again!

In 2023 the Stanthorpe Show Campdraft will be held at the Stanthorpe Showgrounds Stockman’s Arena on Friday 10 to Sunday 12 February, 2023.

The sheer size of this section of Campdraft means that it makes more sense to hold it on the following weekend. For more information:

Make a scarecrow

Run out of things to keep the children busy in the holidays? Try your hand at making a scarecrow for the competition at the up-coming show.

Just google it if you are apprehensive. All you need are some old clothes, a stick, and some stuffing of any kind. I’m sure there will be some exciting and different scarecrows come to light.

There is a section for adults/family and a section for under 16 yrs.

Check out the Stanthorpe Show website in the Vegetable section to see the details and prize money. Entries need to be at the main pavilion by 4pm if possible on Thursday, 2nd February. No entry fees.

Good luck and look forward to seeing your creations to scare away the birds from your vegie patch.

Don’t forget to “Join up”

It’s not too late to become a Show Society Member! Do so, and you’ll not only be supporting your local show but members get free parking at the show and ​admission to the grounds for the duration!

Just show your membership badges at the gate. Also enjoy free admission to the Warwick, Tenterfield, Killarney and Allora Shows.

Membership is very affordable and valid until the end of the 2023. Call into the show office from now up until the Wednesday before the show. You can call 07 4681 2107 from Tuesday to Thursday or apply online at: