Busy year for photo group

Back row, from left, Stuart Campbell (life member), Victor Iversen, Michael Campbell (vice-president), Trevor Martin (IT), Sally Wadsworth (committee). Front row: Gale Ward (exhibiton co-ordinator), Michelle Campbell (treasurer), Jan Stewart (president), Glenda Guy (secretary), Joan Wylde.

The stimulating year of 2022 was finalised for the Allora Photography Group with a wonderful meal at The Golden Wattle Café, Allora on 16 December.

Vice-president Michael Campbell presented Trevor Martin with the trophy for Overall Winner for 2022 with Glenda Guy in second place and Michael Campbell in third.

On Wednesday 11 January the club held its annual general meeting, electing the committee members for the year.

The club was also able to honour the outstanding contribution and service of one of the founding members, Stuart Campbell, by granting Stuart a life membership of the group. Congratulations and thank you Stuart.

The Committee was able to advise members of a grant from the Photographic Society of Queensland enabling the APG to purchase a new computer replacing the 10-year-old one! Grateful thanks to the PSQ as this will make our presentations, workshops and photography displays easier and more assured as we no longer had much faith in the old computer!

The APG has an exciting schedule ahead of them this coming year with the usual monthly workshops and photography challenges along with several local excursions. The group is also holding an exhibition at the Warwick Art Gallery 19 October to 2 December, 2023.

Guest PSQ Judges visit every second month to evaluate and judge members monthly topic photos. These meetings are both educational and informative as a great deal of constructive knowledge is passed on to members.

There will be a photo editing presentation to help members with some basic skills to bring out the best in their photos and a landscape photography presentation to learn more about the intricacies of taking amazing landscape photographs.

As usual, the group will round the 2023 year off with a Christmas Dinner somewhere and showcase all the topic photographs taken throughout the year.

The Allora Photography Group are a group of amateur photographers. New members with or without experience are very welcome. Please feel free to call on 04 35953791 or email alloraphotographygroup4362@gmail.com if you would like further information.