Fun photography field trip

A classical compostion. Photos: GALE WARD

By Amelia Willmer

A field of sunflowers at Tannymorel became the classroom for a team of photographers at the weekend.

Members of the Allora Photography Group were learning composition and macro photography including the effects of different apertures.

Accomplished photographer Trevor Martin took on the role of instructor for his fellow group members who come from Warwick, Allora and the northern end of the region.

“New members are always very welcome,” said Trevor. “You don’t have to have sophisticated and expensive gear. All you need is a love of photography. We are a very supportive group and we have lots of fun, especially at field trips.”

The group meets every second Wednesday of the month at 7pm at 33 Forde Street, Allora.

For more information, ring 0435 953 791 or email