Crossing the line


By Amelia Willmer

Cambanoora Gorge families, striving to protect the pristine eco-system, are beseeching Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek to intervene and stop the council from pouring tons of concrete into three sensitive river crossings.

Submissions have been sent to the two senior politicians this week.

The families are also calling on fellow Queenslanders to support them by signing a petition pleading for a halt to the Southern Downs Regional Council’s $2.2 million project, which is due to get underway within weeks.

Three of the 14 gorge crossings are ear-marked for major drilling into the ancient flagstone creek-beds, with some residents even fearing the possibility of dynamite being used.

The gorge, 10 minutes from Killarney, is the source of the mighty Murray-Darling and is home to endangered platypus and a rare species of fish.

“The main beneficiaries of the concreted crossings will be the hundreds of bush-bashing 4WD enthusiasts from Brisbane and elsewhere in south east Queensland,” said spokeswoman Barbara George.

“Their needs are seen as superior to the needs of hundreds of locals and the scores of tourists who want to come to the gorge for its peace, quiet and beauty.

“They want to be able to safely bush-walk, trail-ride, fish, swim, cycle and bird-watch and spot a platypus.

“This Nature Tourism is a broad demographic comprising families and groups of all ages and social strata who would come stay for up to a week in the region. They also visit and shop in Killarney, Warwick and Stanthorpe, unlike the 4WD day-trippers who are here and gone, leaving nothing but their rubbish and the creeks churning with sediment.

“We are pleading to the Premier and the Federal Environment Minister. This is the tipping point for the preservation of Cambanoora.

“We are calling for a halt to this destructive project and we are begging, please Madam Premier, Please Minister Plibersek, don’t let this happen. Please help us.”

People wishing to support the petition should email