Bullride proves spectacular

Ty Ross getting (off) the bull by the horns. Pictures: CHRIS MUNRO

Riders came from throughout Southeast Queensland to take part in the Allora Show Bull Spectacular event on Friday night at the showground.

The event attracted a big crowd to the Show society’s brand-new covered arena.

The main bullride event for the night was run and sanctioned by the National Rodeo Association with mini bull rides for young local competitors.

Show Treasurer Ian Tate said there was a restriction to the number of people allowed in the area due to the fire-code even though it is an open shed with a roof.

“So, we just made sure everyone had to be formally seated, they couldn’t just stand around or sit on a blanket like the old days in the open air,” he explained.

“But that all went alright, we had stands there. It went really well. How many people were there I’m not sure – 600-700 I’m not sure. We had a bar and band.”