SDRC responds on gorge



Council is aware of ongoing comment in the media about planned works on the Condamine River Road at Cambanoora Gorge in Killarney and would like to assure the community of the sound processes that have been followed rather than the assertions that have been reported in recent media.

Council continues to support a long-term solution for the maintenance of the Condamine River Road and the preservation of Cambanoora Gorge as is evidenced by the exhaustive engagement processes with multiple stakeholders over the past several years.

Council is committed to providing sustainable solutions and will follow the best practices during the construction phase to respect processes, people, flora and fauna as advised by our government stakeholders.

Council was not approached for comment prior to the publication of the articles appearing in the Warwick Today Stanthorpe Today on 9 February 2023. Documents provided to the journalist on 7 February upon receipt of her first media enquiry have also been available in the public sphere since 2021 and include:

– Council Report Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021

– Council Resolution 13.5 Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021

– Condamine River Road – Temporary Closure Procedure – April 2022

Council is hereby providing clarification and/or correction on the following articles:

Article name: Gorge outrage as 4WD playground puts platypus at risk… Crossing the line

• The Queensland Government, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and interested community members are currently partnering with SDRC to improve the safety of the public road for all road users. Please review full Media Release at: .

• At the time of publication of the articles in question on 9 February 2023, SDRC was not made aware of any petitions beseeching the Premier.

• The needs of 4×4 users are not seen as superior to residents and the eco-tourism sector. It remains Council’s duty of care when speaking about the public road that it is only accessible by high-clearance vehicles.

• Council does not however control the promotion of the public road on other commercial websites.

• Eco-tourism is in fact one of the pillars in the SDRC Economic Development Strategy 2022-26.

Article name: Someone could die in 4WD’s AND Article name: Police frequently at gorge

• Council fully supports and deeply appreciates the Queensland Police in their efforts to bring to task those breaking the law in respect of the Condamine River Road and every other public road in Southern Downs.

• The needs of 4×4 users are not seen as superior to residents and the eco-tourism sector. It remains Council’s duty of care when speaking about the public road in Cambanoora Gorge that it is only accessible by high-clearance vehicles. Council does not however control the promotion of the public road on other commercial websites.

• Road closures for Condamine River Road are publicised on Council’s Disaster Dashboard at in accordance with: Council Report Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021. Council Resolution 13.5 Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021. Condamine River Road – Temporary Closure Procedure – April 2022. All social enquiries received by Council’s media team relating to access to Condamine River Road includes a disclaimer as per point 7 in Council Report Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021 and directs the enquirer to for the status of the road.

Inaccuracies in article: Tourism dream is crushed 9 February 2023

“Hopes and dreams of a vibrant Nature Tourism Industry for the Killarney region where crushed when Mayor Vic Pennisi took office several years ago”.

• Southern Downs Regional Council actively promotes Killarney as the Scenic Gem of the Southern Downs.

• The Cambanoora Gorge is respectfully promoted in all Council-owned tourism communications according to advice resulting from the meetings of the Condamine River Road Working Group.

• As evidenced in the SDRC Economic Development Strategy 2022-2026, eco-tourism is one of the economic pillars of the Southern Downs.

• As is evidenced from the SDRC Corporate Plan 2021-2026 Focus Area Wellbeing and Diversity: Council is committed to encourage the development of active lifestyles throughout the region (such as bike trails)

• As is evidenced from the SDRC Corporate Plan 2021-2026 Focus Area Economic Development and Tourism: Council is committed to progress prioritised initiatives from the Southern Downs Economic Development Strategy (refer above).

• As is evidenced from the Southern Downs Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2021-2031, Valuing Nature is one of the four strategic priorities.

“Members of the Condamine River Road Working Group say they knew they did not have a hope when they lobbied the Mayor about preserving Cambanoora Gorge”.

• The following documents where all developed with consideration of input gathered by various groups, including the Condamine River Road Working Group: Council Report Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021. Council Resolution 13.5 Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021. Condamine River Road – Temporary Closure Procedure – April 2022 Comments relating to various impacts on various species in the Gorge:

• As evidenced from the successful funding from the Queensland Government (Refer: Media Release at: the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) is satisfied that SDRC can proceed with making safe the public road for all users.

• The concrete bed level crossings will reduce river bed erosion and water turbidity resulting from vehicles using the road with the commensurate benefits to various rare and endangered species.

“50 public meetings overseen by Cr Cameron Gow”

• Cr Gow did not oversee any Condamine River Road Working Group meetings. “In September 2020 he (Cr Gow) released an action plan which satisfied the diverse and competing needs of the gorge families, farmers and local businesses”

• Cr Gow did not release action plan as reported, but in fact was a SDRC Media Release issued on 28 September 2020 in relation to Cambanoora Gorge Management. The purpose of the Media Release was an update to the broader Southern Downs community about the progress of community consultation and outcomes at that point in time. In line with section 6.1 of the SDRC Media Policy, Cr Gow was approached in his capacity as Councillor for Environment, Waste, Sustainability, and Disaster Management to provide quotes for the media release.

• Note that the media release in question precedes discussions with the CRRWG and other interested parties that resulted in Council Resolution 13.5 Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021.

“But when Mayor Pennisi became mayor, the whole plan was shelved”

• Local Government elections were held in March 2020 and not after September 2020 as could be interpreted from the allegation that the Mayor halted all progress in September 2020.

• Furthermore, the Mayor cannot make any decisions in isolation. Open and transparent discussions with the CRRWG and other interested parties resulted in a report being tabled in an open Council meeting, which was publically accessible.

• The report resulted in Council Resolution 13.5 Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021.

• Note that due to Council Resolution 13.5 Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021 the Mayor could no longer write to the Premier on this matter, as this would be in direct conflict with the resolution and seen as a misrepresentation of Council’s position (Refer 3.1 in the Queensland Government Code of Conduct for Councillors in Queensland).

“All the good work achieved by Cr Gow in that year-long, intensive and comprehensive consultation process was wasted and here we are, right back where we started, still fighting for Nature Tourism, still fighting to protect this precious place which Cr Gow described in his Plan as a ‘natural treasure’”

• Cr Gow did not oversee any Condamine River Road Working Group meetings.

• Cr Gow did not release an action plan as reported, but in fact was a SDRC Media Release issued 28 September 2020 in relation to Cambanoora Gorge Management.

• Following Council Resolution 13.5 Condamine River Road, Killarney 15 December 2021 all tourism marketing materials for the Cambanoora Gorge and the public road were amended and updated on the advice of the CRRWG. SDRC further advised other tourism stakeholders, including Southern Queensland Country Tourism of the same. All references promoting 4WD adventures were removed.

“The intransigence and lack of leadership by the mayor has forced us to abandon any hope of dialogue with this council and so we are taking the battle to a higher level”.

• At the time of publication of the article on 9 February 2023, SDRC was not made aware that any community members were beseeching the Premier through petition.

• The Mayor is open to dialogue and available to the community through a variety of platforms and regular meetings: o The public can attend Ordinary Council Meetings or view them on live stream o The public can request a meeting with the CEO and the Mayor at any time. The Mayor, Councillors and CEO operate a schedule of meetings called Connecting with Council which travels through the region. The public are free to attend these meetings and bring their issues to the mayor and councillors at this forum. These are promoted in the local press, on the SDRC website and on the @MySDRC FB Page.

• Connecting with Council meetings were held in Killarney on 03 February 2021 and 02 March 2022

• When his schedule allows, the Mayor operates a cycle of public meetings called In the Loop, where the public are welcome to attend. These are promoted in the local press, on the SDRC website and on the @MySDRC FB Page. At the time of responding to this enquiry, the President of the Killarney Progress Association (KAPA) representing the Killarney business community, had not yet been approached for comment. The articles of 9 February conclude with a number of statistics and studies for which sources are not given and Council is therefore unable to provide comment. Inaccuracies in article: Holding up roadworks p15, 16 February 2016 The article is written in a way that indicates the Director Infrastructure Services is quoted throughout. The quote attributed to him is not correctly identified.

“Eight applications for the betterment of roads were unsuccessful”

• This is inaccurate as no betterment applications have been unsuccessful at this point. The majority of ineligible assessments are due to what QRA have judged to be pre-existing damage and therefore not attributable to the event. This error has seen Council field enquiries from QRA to explain the error.