Out of control truck hits kindergarten playground

Little Tackers. Picture CHRIS MUNRO

Amelia Willmer

Police have fined a 72-year-old truck driver whose vehicle rolled across the Yangan Killarney Road and down into the playground of the Little Tackers Childcare Centre.

The incident happened at 2.50pm on 10 February.

“It is great good luck that it didn’t happen 10 minutes later,” said Snr Sgt Cameron Slater.

“Luckily no children were in the play area when the truck hit.

“The truck ended up in the sheltered area which was destroyed, as were other play structures.”

Little Tackers spokeswoman Hannah Barret said: “It was extremely fortunate that no children were in the playground at the time of the incident. No one was injured.

She said the truck destroyed “our beloved large timber fort” which was very popular with the children.

“We are extremely grateful to our wonderful staff who remained calm and handled the situation professionally,” Hannah said.

“We ensured the playground has again been made safe.

“We will replace our beloved fort with another wonderful structure.”

Police have issued an infringement notice on the truck driver who has been fined $575 and given three demerit points.

The driver had failed to engage the hand-brake after parking at a house in Yangan Killarney Road.

Police said it was also very lucky that no vehicles were on the road when the truck started rolling across the two lanes of traffic, before plunging down in to the Little Tackers car park, where it hit a staff members car, then careered into the playground.



Warwick’s Little Tackers childcare centre: Calm and professional staff ensured children were safe.