We deserved to be heard say Traditional Owners


By Amelia Willmer

“This council and this mayor are constantly disrespecting us,” claims Traditional Owner Melissa Chalmers.

She was speaking on behalf of the ten applicants who are now in the second year of their Native Title claim to lands which include Cambanoora Gorge.

“It is a real kick in the guts that the Mayor Cr Pennisi and the Southern Downs Regional Council refuse to recognise us or have any form of cordial relationship with us,” Melissa said.

“To find out from a friend about newspaper reports of the plan to concrete three river crossings, was very upsetting and disrespectful.

“A great deal of effort is required to progress a Native Title Claim and we have had two years of going through legal hoops and are at a very advanced stage.

“But the council tells us they will not acknowledge us until our Native Title claim actually gets over the line and is established. It is a real kick in the guts.

“We are all very angry that Cr Pennisi was not even going to attend the meeting on Monday to discuss the Voluntary Stop Work order on the gorge project. For something this important he should have shown genuine leadership and told us he would be attending.”

Cr Pennisi was asked to comment on Ms Chalmers’ statements.