Police Beat

Warwick Police Snr Sgt Cameron Slattery. Picture: CHRIS MUNRO

With Snr Sgt Cameron Slater

Take a guess

It is only a few weeks now until the Easter Break when our roads and highways will be busier than ever.

Take a guess what the biggest cause of serious accidents is in our region at Easter.

Speeding? Drink driving?

I think people might be surprised to know it is Driver Fatigue.

We have two major highways, the New England and the Cunningham, with locals and tourists alike driving long distances to reach holiday destinations.

If you are starting to plan your Easter getaway, now is the time to factor in how many hours it is going to take and plan rest stops every two hours.

Drug driver near school

It’s what every parent dreads. At school pick-up time on Tuesday 28 February, a woman, 33, was stopped not far from the Warwick West State School in Pratten St, between George and William Streets, and charged with driving while affected by drugs.

She is due to appear in Court on 24 April.

Two in one day

Earlier that day, another Warwick woman was charged with drug driving after she was stopped in Locke St at 9.30am. She was also found to be driving whilst disqualified.

She will appear in Court on 12 April.

Woman trapped after collision

A female driver was trapped in her car at 7.30am on March 2 after it was in collision with a truck on the Yangan-Killarney Road near Reyburn St, Warwick.

Police, Fire and Rescue, and Ambulance attended and traffic was diverted around the crash scene for an hour.

Man shoves woman in ATM rage

A man, 63, has been let off with a Caution for the offence of Common Assault after losing his temper at an ATM machine in the Rose City Shopping Centre and shoving a lady banking business takings.

The man has written a sincere apology to the woman, 36, whom he shoved aside at the ATM.

The woman was upset but not physically injured.

The incident was captured on CCTV which led police to swiftly identify the man.

The two other ATMs at the shopping centre had been out of order.

The CCTV footage showed the man demanding that the woman hurry up, roughly shoving her aside, then pulling her cards and cash out of the machine.

Cyclist punched

A cyclist in Locke St suffered cuts and abrasions to his face, arm and elbow after being punched in the head and body by a pedestrian on 1 March.

The assault occurred at 9pm.

The attacker and victim were known to each other and Police investigations are continuing.

Brisbane man nabbed

A 41 year old male from Annerley in Brisbane was intercepted on Alexandra Drive on Saturday at 11.15m and tested positive to drugs. He has been issued with a Notice To Appear before Warwick Magistrates Court.

Great police work

At about 12:30am on Sunday 5 March, a house on Pratten Street was entered via the screen door at the rear of the premises.

Offenders located keys to a Holden sedan parked in the yard. They drove off but police happened to be at a job in the vicinity and observed the vehicle driving at speed.

Inquiries with the owner found that it had been stolen.

The vehicle was located later that day in Keith Mitchell Drive, Warwick. Investigations are continuing.

Big load smashes traffic lights

A heavy vehicle carrying an excavator drove south through the intersection of Albion and Fitzroy Streets when the load struck overhead traffic lights, causing substantial damage.

The incident happened at 10am on Sunday.

The driver of the truck stopped and adjusted his load before driving off.

Investigations are continuing.