Sports Shorts

Narelle Norris, Mel, McLennan Jill Barnes, Anne Lyons and Roslyn Darton played the first round of the Adam Falconer Shield against Clifton in Toowoomba on Friday.


Following the upheaval at the recent Sporters AGM a field of 70 Warwick Sporters hit the course on Wednesday (1/3) in the Warwick Pro Shop nett event.

The winner with a nett round of 65 was Mark Paroz. Runner up after a countback was Scott Mills (nett 66). He edged out David Gengos (66) who settled for a ball in the run down.

Others who shared in the spoils included Cec Watts and Greg Carey (67), Ron Simon and Paul “The Cattle Baron” Dautzenberg (68), Dan Bowles, Troy Alsford, Eddie “Big Cods” Kemp, and James Bradshaw all on 69 and Garry Hanson 70 on a countback.

After success at the Pro Pin 13th Mick Banks was bolstering his Autumn Punting Kitty by $25, Keith Clarke collected $20, and Cec Watts $15.

Nearest the pins were Dan Bowles (5th), Shaun Campbell (7th), Wayne Wells (9th), Danny Lyons (11th) and Neil Moore (16th).

A reminder that the Shoot Out Calcutta is on this Sunday (12/3)March following the presentations to the Club Championships. Save up your pennies and come along and buy your favourite player, The Calcutta evening is always a good night with auctioneers Garry Adcock and Stuart Wade injecting a lot of humour and drama into a fun night.

A very special thank you to Danny Lyons for his continued generous support in supplying the Shootout shirts this year and any years in the past. It is greatly appreciated.


A small group of Ladies played the Mid-Week Stableford comepitition at the Stanthorpe Golf Club last on Wednesday (15/2).

Linda Kelly was in excellent form and her score of 32 points earned her a win in the event. Breathing down her neck was runner up Mei Bell who scored 31 points to and claimed the runner’s up spot. Mei was also on target at the 12th holding the pin shot. Fiona Kelly won the pin shot on 5/14th.

Last week (1/3) the ladies played the monthly medal competition. Helen Jones and Lorraine Evans both played well and took out the two main prizes. Helen won the event with a gross score of 112 and nett 81. Helen won on a count back from Lorraine who had a gross score of 114 and nett 81.

Lorraine won the pin shot on the 12th and her skills at putting won her the putting competition with 28 putts. Lynette Ludlow won the pin shots on the 17th and at 5/14th.


Played the front nine on Sunday and in spite of the beautiful conditions the weather turned on player numbers were down a little, regulars enjoying a little lie in perhaps.

Mick Irwin had the best round of the day scoring nett 23 for the nine holes. Mick’s form lately has been a bit up and down. There have been some good scores at some holes which have been spoilt by some very indifferent scores on other holes.

Sunday was by far his best round for some time. He was steady all the way around and thoroughly deserved his win.

Dick Hilton must have a wardrobe full of those Bridesmaid’s outfits and Sunday he did it again – another second place finish, He was just one shot back on 24 nett. Next week perhaps, Dick.

Gary Kirby edged into the place getters. His nett 26 gave him the run down prize. Andy Burgess returned the Best gross score for the nine holes – 39. It doesn’t look as though it will be long before he is giving his brother Matt and father, David a run for the money.

Only one pin shot was on offer on Sunday and was nailed by Stuart Rayner who had NTP at the third hole. Rayner is as made winning pin shots a bit of a habit in the past few weeks.

It is a very special Sporters Sunday this week (12/3). The Sporters club is holding the Annual Maureen Bates Memorial Day. The regular event on the Sporters calendar honours a great member of the Stanthorpe Golf family, the late Maureen Bates and is sponsored by her husband Rex Bates.

The event is a two person Ambrose and is open to all players handicaps for non-regular golfers will be arranged on the day.

Sporters have already received a number of entries from. If you are intending to play please nominate via the timesheet on the board at the clubhouse.

This is a nine hole event. There will be a BBQ and raffles during the day. It is a shotgun start – 9am.


Last Wednesday (1/3) there were only a small group of Warwick Ladies playing the midweek comepitition and that was for a good reason. A large contingent of regular players were playing in Pittsworth (7) and Glen Innes (7).

Congratulations to Sharron Cooper on her win at home. With a score of 35 points Sharron won the voucher from Red Rooster Warwick. Di Evans was runner-up with 33 points and also won the Pro Pin.

At Pittsworth Open Day our representatives came away with 6 points in the Zone Pennants. Maria Carey won Div three Stableford with 36 points. Di Johnston won the Div three approach on the eight and was in the hole for a birdie. The ladies also won the money board and a number of prizes in the goose club. They may need a visa to enter Pittsworth again.

Seven players headed south to Glen Innes to play in their Stableford and a 4BBB competition. In the Stableford competition Wendy Rhea was second runner-up in Div Three. Majella Kahler was NTP and Narelle Norris won the dollar board and a raffle.

In the 4BBB Lyn McKillop and Wendy Rhea had the best score of the Warwick women with 44 – just four behind the winners.

Congratulations to all our winners. It was a busy start to a big week of golf.

The nomination form for the Clifton Open Day , 15 March, the same day as the Sporters Shootout is up. It may be a good option as available times to play at home on the 15 will before 8.30 or later in the morning.


The first Saturday in March meant only one thing to Stanthorpe golfers – march Monthly Medal comepitition and another opportunity to to qualify for the Medal of Medallists field later in the year.

It was also the first round of the club’s Pike Trophy. This event is played over three stroke rounds with each players best two rounds considered.

History shows that in previous years a good opening round is normally very productive.

The club would like to thank Tod Beckett for his sponsorship of the day and for supplying the prizes.

In the medal round Nat Marano had one of his best rounds since joining the club. He returned 91 for a nett score of 66 and claimed his first win in a Medal event. Nat had a very steady 18 holes, 45 strokes out and was back home in 46.

Richard Reardon has been a little quiet lately but had an excellent round of nett 68, It was a score that on most days would have been good enough to win. Reardon settle for the runner up prize.

Matt Waterworth took the honours for the best gross with a round of 74.

Richard Reardon not only played very well but had his putter working nicely needing only 24 putts for the round.

Christine Hood has been there or there abouts in recent weeks and booked her spot in the Medal of Medalist field after winning the March Medal for the Ladies with nett 72. Not only did Christine win the nett event but also had the best gross score of 88.

Nikki Waterworth was two shots back on nett 74 and also took the Ladies putting honours – needing 30 putts for the round.

The Pin shots were shared. Santo Cavallaro, Keith Jones, Alan Kerr, Christine Hood and Linda Kelly all collected vouchers for NTP’s.

The Pro-pins were claimed by Matt Waterworth (1/10), Scott Constable (5/14) and Darryl Boekholt (9/18). Once again, the Birdies nest at one went unclaimed.

In the run down, scores of nett 73 and better for the men and nett 83 and better for the ladies were paid.

This Friday (10/3) the club will be hosting the annual Builders Golf Day and the course will not be available for social play.

This week’s comepitition format on Saturday will again be a stroke event, the second round for the Pike Trophy. Steve and Sandy Kay are sponsoring the day.

There is a Time sheet for the day on the board at the club.

Saturday, 11 March, there will be another stroke event, the second round for the Pike Trophy. Steve and Sandy Kay are the sponsors of the day’s play. There is a Time sheet on the board at the club.

This Sunday, Sporters are holding the Annual Maureen Bates Memorial Day. The two person Ambrose event is open to all players, handicaps will be determined where needed and intending players are asked to use the time sheet on display at the club.


The Warwick Women’s Pennants team were on the road last Friday to play Clifton in Round one of the 2023 Adam Falconer Shield. The round hosted by Toowoomba. Narelle Norris, Mel McLennan , Jill Barnes, Anne Lyons and Roslyn Darton combined to secure six and a half points in the first round of the Adam Falconer Shield. Great result ladies.


It was a big weekend for the Warwick Women’s golfers who played the first round of the Women’s Club Championships and the March Monthly Medal round last Saturday. Those Ladies playing in the Championships then backed up again on Sunday for round two.

29 ladies played the first round of the Championships at the of the round heading the leader board in the A grade comepitition was Sam Hinze after posting a gross score of 86. Jill Barnes led the B Grade competition and Lois Wilson led the way in the C Grade.

Honours in the March Monthly Medal went to Marg Adcock in division one. Her score 73 nett, Hot on her heels was Melanie Scotney (74nett)

Marg had a forgettable start to the round when she five putted the first hole. Fortunately it did not set the tone for the remainder of the round, and she won the putting with 30 putts after a countback from . Roslyn Darton returned 74 nett to win the Division Two medal only one shot ahead of runner up Trish Bell with 75 nett. They both had gobbles today – Roslyn to par the ninth and Trish to par the 18th. A great way to bookend each of the nine holes ladies, Roslyn won the putting with just 26 putts today.

Was striking the ball well and took out both the Div Two approaches shots.

Sam won the Div One front Nine approach at the third and Jill won the back 9 approach on the 14th.

Congratulations Anna Cox who won the Bryson voucher for after winning the front nine,

Narelle Norris was in the hole for the Pro Pin on the 13th sharing it with Majella Kahler, Marg Adcock and Kath Devereux.


On Sunday morning 23 ladies teed off in Round two of the Women’s Club Championships, a stroke event on the White course. What unfolded was some extraordinary golf from Saturday’s Division One leader, Sam Hinze.

Sam’s round of 71 gross / 67 nett included four birdies and 10 pars. A round which saw Sam break her own course record which has stood for a number of years.

It is no surprise that Hinze continues to lead the way in the A Grade Championship.

Danielle Seibel was the round two runner-up, Her score 68 nett. Seibel’s gross score of 81, 15 shots better than round one. She too had an excellent round.

Liz Cockram has taken the lead in the B Grade championships while Lois Wilson still holds the lead in the C Grade comepitition.

Sam Hinze also won the Trophy provided by sponsor Danny Lyons for the winner of the day.

A couple of players added to their gobbles scores today – Molly Scotney at the second; Mel McLennan (third and ninth), Narelle Norris(second and 12th), Kath Devereux (17th & 18th)

Sam won the Pro Pins on offer and shared the 7th with Mel McLennan, Narelle Norris and Lois Wilson and the 16th with Mary Young Molly Scotney and Di Johnston

What a great round for the second day of the 2023 Women’s Championships. Players and supporters are eagerly anticipating next weekend’s final round on Sunday.


After two rounds of the Warwick Men’s Golf Championships the A Grade Leader Kris McLennan holds a commanding lead after rounds of 74 and 69 (143). Sitting in second place is Rhys Farell with rounds of 72 and 76 for a total of 148. One shot behind Farrell is Daniel Bowlers with rounds to date of 73 and 76 for a total of 149.

After round two in the B Grade comepiotition Andrew Collins heads the leaderboard with a total of 160 after rounds of 79 and 81. Sitting in second place is Duke Maloney, 166. His rounds 86 and 80. In third spot is Rod Hansen who is one shot back after rounds of 83 and 84 for a total 167.

Leading the way in C Grade is Michael Banks 178 (91 and 87) ahead of David Speedy 184 (100 and 84) and also on 184 Alan Matthews (94 and 90). There is a cluster of players on 184 and the C Grade finish next Sunday could be interesting.