Forget the ‘redback on the toilet seat’

Forget the redback... what about this in an Allora loo?

One Allora family can change the lyrics to “Red belly black on the toilet seat”!

And here’s the picture to prove it.

Look what was lurking in the loo!

Read all about it on Page ????? in our news feature story about our region’s only snake catcher, Warwick’s Anthony Adams.

Elon’s elongated eloquence

The ABC’s finance journalist Daniel Ziffer reported that, after Elon Musk spoke on and on for several hours on the bright future of Tesla electric cars, at the conclusion of his speech the share price immediately dropped six percent.

“Who knows what will happen to the company,” Daniel said “But it certainly shows no one likes long meetings.”

Boomers: Been there, Bribie’d that

Still on financial matters, young adult grandson was telling baby boomer grandparents how tough it was getting now that the reserve bank has increased interest rates to 3.6 per cent. “You’re so lucky you own your own home,” he told them. “Yeah right” said Pop. “But it sure didn’t feel lucky when we were paying it off at 17.5 per cent.”

“I can’t afford to go to Bali,” grandson complained.

“Well we couldn’t even afford to go to Bribie” he was told.

For tips on how to stretch a dollar and manage your money, read our new weekly column On The Money n today’s edition. Warwick Credit Union CEO Lewis Von Steiglitz will tackle a topic each week to help us weather the rough financial waters ahead.

Bed bill makes you want to lie down

Still on money matters, the new Toowoomba 118 bed hospital to be built at the Baillie Henderson precinct will cost $1.3 billlion to build. Come the official opening day, that works out at a whopping $11 million per bed.

Easter Message 1

Mayor Vic Pennisi, who has been receiving public criticism these past weeks, has expressed an affinity with Jesus.

He told Rose City FM listeners recently: “We’re coming into Easter and Easter is about someone who got stoned and nailed to the cross for what he believed. If I get a few stones thrown at me for the greater good I’m OK with that.”

Easter Message 2

A man with a divine name is General Manager of Toowoomba Sturt Basin Enterprises, the aptly named Justin Heaven.

Easter Message 3

Here’s an interesting invitation spotted on a recent road trip. We are sure the Lightning Ridge congregation really are a peaceful and kindly bunch.

People want their own councillors

Our big city cousins in Toowoomba are having the same issues as we do when it comes to having no local councillor specific to their area to whom they can go directly for advice and support.

In a recent public survey, Toowoomba ratepayers overwhelmingly supported the return to Wards with a councilor designated to represent their specific area.

People agreed this would give them much more effective representation and would make councillors more directly accountable come election time.

The Toowoomba Council is poised to seek permission from the State Government to return to divisional representation – a lengthy process which cannot be done in time for next year’s Local Government elections.

The amalgamation of eight shire councils into to one mega-Toowoomba council is now being seen as a loss to grassroots democacy.

Sound familiar?