Enjoy the open roads this autumn – safely

Ready to ride - safety first.

Easter and beyond is a time for clear autumn days, clear and crisp and perfect for bushwalking, going for long rides and getting that bike out of the shed and getting out on the open road.

However, it’s not as simple as filling your two-wheeled pride and joy with petrol and heading out according to Southern Downs based motorcycle trainer Shane “Rossey” Ross.

Ross, who has been riding for 40 years, said it might be worth putting yourself through a few online tutorials if you haven’t been on a bike for a while.

“Queensland suffered 74 motorcycle related fatalities this past year, which is the highest in Australia,” he said.

“These figures are accompanied with 463 hospitalised casualties during this time frame. A high number of motorcycle crashes are resulting from middle aged and returned riders.

“Having proper motorcycle rider training, learning new skills and techniques to ensure your survival on the road is vital for safe riding.

“There are some videos you can view online, such as the Queensland Government initiative titled ‘Ride Craft’ which will give you some pointers, however grass roots face to face training will win every time.”

He said as a middle aged or returned rider, there might be “some things you forgot about motorcycling, not to mention years of studies and development of new techniques to keep you safer on the road”.

“But I’ve been riding for years”, I hear you say….,” he continued.

“I get that, but roads have become busier, time has become less, patience has become shorter, and throw in the fact that motorcycles have become more powerful mixes a nice little cocktail causing more and more crashes.

“What can you do about this?

“Jump online and check out the videos, and if you’re serious about learning some new skills to improve your safety, hit up your local rider training organisation and do a course, or get some lessons.”

But just to kick off, Rossy has some advice that might just save your life.

1. Get your posture right, keep your head up and eyes level and grip the tank with your knees. This will improve balance as your bike will naturally go where you’re looking.

2. Don’t ride fatigued, if you’re tired, stay off the bike, you don’t have the luxury of 4 wheels to keep you upright.

3. Don’t mix alcohol or drugs with your ride, this can impair judgment, reflexes, coordination and depth perception.

4. Try not to ride at night, in the rain or during fog. This can affect vision and riding cold or wet affects concentration and the ability to judge situations. Not to mention slippery roads. And,

5. Don’t Ride angry or upset, this affects concentration and the ability to judge situations, causing inattentional blindness. This means seeing a potential hazard, but not perceiving it.