Summit in the pink for a cause

Pink Presidents. Southern Cross Bowls Club President Cameron "Yowie" Wilson and the driving force behind the Pink Day, Ladies President Merrylea Wilson.

By Casey OÇonnor

The green at the Southern Cross Bowls club was transformed into a sea of pink and inside the Club house it was the same story as bowlers, visitors and even the kids answered the call to come in theme to the Pink Bowls Day on Sunday.

Despite the fun and frivolity and men in pink tutus there was a very serious side to the event with the Charity Bowls Day raising money to the support of breast cancer victims and their families.

When all was done and dusted around $8000 had been raised for the cause. An outstanding result which could not have been achieved without the incredible support of local businesses and the public.

Club Spokesman spokesman Geoff Davis congratulated Ladies President, Merrylea Wilson who was responsible in no small part of the success of the day.

He said The Pink Day concept was Merrylea’s idea and members of the club, and the public bought into the idea.

“There were some weird and wacky outfits – never seen so many blokes in pink tutus. Bras were run up the flag pole and strung on vantage points inside an outside the club,” Davis said.

“It was a great spectacle and brought out the sense of fun and spirit of generosity in those who came to support the cause.

“It is wonderful to see so many people here who have not bowled before but are enjoying themselves and giving it a go.”

“It was an amazing effort and organisers from the Southern Cross club cannot thank people from across the district enough for their generosity and support in making this event not only financially successful but also such a fun day.

“The Warwick Lions Club ran the BBQ providing lunch for the bowlers and as the wind increased hasty reinforcements were necessary to secure their outdoor kitchen.

“The response from local businesses was fantastic and organisers had a mountain of prizes to raffle as well as items to auction. Many people also made cash donations.”

It was not only the bowlers digging deep, the workers from the Windfarm also kicked in a substantial donation from money they raised at a BBQ.

The Lions club also made a generous donation which was most gratefully accepted.

Davis said Men’s President Cameron “Yowie” Wilson did an amazing job running the day with just enough precision and decorum to get through the day.