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The Warwick Ladies Golf Club Penannt team had a successful trip to Carbalah in the recent round of Pennants where they played Oakey. The team came home with six points and currently lead the competition. Pictured l/r are Majella Mahler, Anne Lyons, Roslyn Darton, Melanie McLennan and Jill Barnes .


Post Anzac Day 59 men played a Stableford round. Conditions were very windy and a little unpleasant, but the overall winner Peter Farrell took the conditions in his stride or stroke and came out on top with an impressive score of 42 points.

Runner up, Garry Adcock aka the “unluckiest golfer” in the Club could only rue Peter’s timing – putting in his best game for some time and relegating Adcock to runner up.

Balls in the run down went the way of Kel Lucas 36 points, Ian Skillen, Ron Simon and Phil Economidis together on 35 and on 34 James Bradshaw, Troy Alsford and Bruce Howells.

Finishing things off with a count back on 33points were Laurie King, Clive Pulley and Greg Wallace

At the Pro Pin ion the 13th Danny Lyons took the major prize. Ross Bell took the second prize, and the remainder went to Garry Adcock in third.

Nearest the pins were Jesse Ollerton (fifth), Garry Adcock (seventh), Craig Burgess (ninth), Kris McLennan (11th) and at the 16th Wayne Watt did best.

Regular Sporters’ player Mick Payne has been benched after running into a few problems after a recent hip operation. His fellow golfers wish Mick a speedy recovery and hope to see him back playing sooner rather than later.


The Warwick Women’s Pennant Team had a successful day on Friday at the Cabbalah course. The ladies played Oakey and added another six point to their score.

Warwick now have 12.5 points are ahead of both Pittsworth and City who have seven points.

Cabarlah has only played one game so it is possible that the scoreboard could change when the Ladies play at City next month.

The Warwick team report the course played beautifully and the hospitality and meal provided were excellent.

A big thank you to the ladies’ chauffeur, Jill Barnes.


The Men’s Pennant Season continued last Sunday with the Warwick team scoring one win and two losses.

The Division Two Team scored a home win against Clifton 5.5 to 1.5.

The Seniors and Handicap Teams both were away to Gatton and Texas respectively and unfortunately each suffered losses as all teams hunt for a spot in the finals.

Division One’s next game is an away game against Gatton. The Seniors and Handicap Teams both have home games next Sunday.


The call is out for Junior golf interested in participating in Term Two at the Warwick Golf Club. Beginners or juniors with some experience who would like to try golf and have some fun are invited to contact the Warwick Pro Shop for further information. Call the Warwick Prop Shop (07 4661 3664) or simply register by logging on to : +Golf+Club.


Conditions were ideal for a pleasant nine holes of golf on Friday and 34 players teed off in the Warwick Frothy Friday round playing the front nine.

The race to the line for the Red Rooster win was very tight. Jamie Gardner taking home the prize after a countback from Green keeper Shane McDonnell and Grant Ollerton after they each returned 21 points.

Judy Lester was the winner of the Ladies event with a score of 15.

NTP’S were won by Craig Burgess (fifth) and Grant Ollerton (seventh) and Grant whilst Judy Lester took out the Ladies event. Thanks to all those that supported the Club.


It was an Anne day in last week’s Monthly Medal round sponsored by the Warwick RSL.

It was all the “Anne’s” in the winner’s circle. Anne Lyons (70 nett) played under her handicap, to win Division One. Anne Tomkins also played a great round to win the Division Two Medal. Her score 74nett. Each winner had to survive a countback but the Anne’s prevailed.

the Division One runner up was Majella Anne (Kahler), 70 nett and not to be outdone the Roslyn Anne (Darton), 74 nett, was the runner up in Division Two. Seems the Annes had it well and truly covered.

In the Division other scores were :- Marg Adcock, Annice Payne and Janine Stewart (77), Kath Devereux (78), Narelle Norris (81), Jill Barnes (83), Judy Lester (85).

Narelle Norris won the Division One Putting with 30 putts. Carole Brandon took the putting honours in Division two. Brandon also requiring 30 putts for the round.

Other scores in Division two were :- Roslyn Darton (74), Trish Bell (76), Tub Ingall (77), Carole Brandon (79), Maria Carey (81), Vicki Bennett and Lyn McKillop (82), Dianne Evans (85), Helen Olsen (89). Carole Brandon taking out the Division 2 putting with 30 putts.

Carolyn Abood the front nine well and took home the prize for the Best Front nine.

Division one Pins were won by Majella Kahler (eighth), Marg Adcock (fourth), and Trish Bell scooped the pool in Division Two taking both pins.


Jill Barnes played some great golf last Saturday on the Warwick course to win the Stableford comepitition sponsored by The Cherry Tree Coffee and Dining.

It was a welcome return to her best form returning a good score of 39 points which will see hurtle Jill up the Shoot Out board.

The runner up was Judy Lester who survived a countback from Carole Brandon when both ladies returned 34 points.

Other scores in Saturday’s round were :- Melanie McLennan and Lois Wilson (33), Michelle Wright (32), Majella Kahler and Lyn McKillop (31).

The pro pin was shared between Judy Lester, Gwen Mills , Danielle Seibel and Michelle Wright. Jan Aspinall had the best Front Nine of the round.

On Saturday, the Ladies play the Birdie Bistro and Bar Monthly Medal off the white markers, and in two divisions. The winners booking their spot in the Medal of Medallist round in December.


The 2023 Lane Cup finalists have been decided following the semi-finals. The first of the semi-finals was a great match. Charlie and Kath Morrison played Daniele Seibel and Slim Eldridge. Danielle and Slim were five down on the turn, yet scrambled back in great style, to go down 2/1.

The second semi-final match was won by Di Johnstone and Wayne Wells, who defeated defeated Shane and Molly Scotney. Johnstone and Wells booking their spot in what should be a great final against Charlie and Kath Morrison on Sunday.


Geoff Hinze survived a three way countback to win the BNW Accountants Stableford last Saturday at the Warwick Golf Club. Hinze runner up Jesse Ollerton and Allan Matthews all returned 39 points for the round. Ollerton grabbed the runners up spot and Matthews relegated had to settle for a spot in the run down. Kenneth Milligan who was visiting from the Boonah GC returned 38 points as did Ray Dudley. On 37 points were Steve Clare (SGA GC), Wayne Watt, Sean Haynes and Kris McLennan. Rounding out the run down were Duke Maloney Daniel Bowles 36 points and Jet Jensen 35 points.

A good field of 51 played the round.

The Pro Pin Prizes (13th) were won by Anthony Moore (425); Slim Eldridge ($15) and Mitch McLennan ($10).

Dave Walker was on song at the fifth wining the NTP. Morgan Gilchrist held the seventh and Kris McLennan the ninth. Josh Manwaring did best at 16 and Daniel Bowles won the 11th.


The Clifton Bench Rest Shooting Club held the Don Doro Prize Shoot in mid-April 2023 at the Laurie Bowe Rifle Range.

Luke Steffen won the 100 yards Rimfire competition. Despite the difficult conditions for shooters Steffen was able to score an excellent 1.1576. He was delighted to take home the winner’s trophy, a cutlery set generously donated by Don Doro.

In second place was the master himself, Don Doro. His score 1.3724. Ashleigh Brown finished in third place with 1.4212. These were excellent scores which the winner and place getters should be proud of as these Rimfire shooters were aiming for the best group on a Hunter target at 100 yards.

In the regular Benchrest shoot, held before Don’s challenge, Gary Manteit was won the Men’s Rimfire with a score of 588.20. He also won the Three Best Cards of the Day in Hunter Class (199.8/200 20), RBA (240.5/250.25) and Rabbit and Crow (149.7/150.15). Gary also scored a win in the Senior Centrefire with another great score of 0.3728.

In second place in the Men’s Rimfire was Luke Steffen (569.16) and close up in third place with a score of 569.16 closely followed by Anthony Bowe (568.12).

Luke Steffen also picked up second place in the Senior Centrefire ( 0.3996) and keeping it in the family, Cooper Steffen finished in third place (0.4292). Luke Steffen also had the smallest Centrefire group, 0.210.

Vincent Alberry won the Factory Rimfire gong. His score 538.8.

Helen manteit also shot well to win the Women’s Open Rimfire (569.13). Filling the placings were Ash Brown (563.11) and Michelle Ford (557.8).

Cooper Steffen was thrilled with his win in the Junior Rimfire. His score was 568.10. Not far away in second place was out new correspondent Rebekah Robinson. Her score (546.11). Mia Edwards filled third place with a score of 517.4.

Great to see the club’s junior shooters enjoying the sport and improving their scores.

The Next pistol competition at the Laurie Bowe Rifle Range will be held on Saturday 13 May. The next Benchrest Rifle competition on Sunday 21 May.

If you would like further information regarding the club or either of these upcoming shoots please contact the President Helen Manteit on 0418 791991.