Bonnell leads the way

Beverly Bonnell with fellow members of the current Teams Championship holders, John Nankervis, Neil Bonnell, Pat Kelly and President Claire Duggan.

Dealer: W Vul: Both


♠ Q76

♥ Q5

♦ K9632

♣ K64


♠ J98 ♠ AK43

♥ J104 ♥ 976

♦ 85 ♦ QJ74

♣ AQ1097 ♣ J8


♠ 1052

♥ AK832

♦ A10

♣ 532

On Board 1 on Monday Beverly Bonnell (South) played in 2NT after she had opened the bidding with 1H and partner had responded with 2D. West led the Ace of clubs, although the ten would have been better. Declarer would not have known where the Ace was and could have misplayed dummy’s clubs. When North’s hand was placed face up on the table and became dummy, West had to decide which card to play next. Most former players of 500 are reluctant to lose the lead, whereas seasoned bridge players will happily give away one trick in order to make two or three more in exchange. Had West continued with the Queen of clubs, dummy’s King would have won the second trick and declarer may have added only five hearts and two diamonds for the par result of eight tricks for 120 points.

What happened at the table was that West switched to the eight of diamonds. Beverly played low from dummy and covered East’s Jack with the Ace. It was clear that East also held the Queen but Beverly could see that by giving up one diamond trick it would be possible to make four diamond tricks in all. So she continued with the ten, which East felt obliged to beat with the Queen. East could then do no better than cash the Ace and King of spades. That wretched King of clubs was still sitting in dummy, blocking the suit for East/West. North/South had winners to spare at the end and their ten tricks were worth 180 for a clear top score.

Results: Monday, 24/04/23 (5 &1/2-table Howell): H. Price N. Bonnell (57.4) 1; T. Hinde P. Campbell (56.5) 2; C. Duggan M. Johnston (53.2); J. Nankervis P. Kelly ( 52.8) 4. Friday, 28/04/23 (4-table Howell): N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (66.1) 1; P. Kelly M. Simpson (62.5) 2; T. Hinde J. Mobbs (55.9) 3.