Memories of schooldays past

Slade old boy Leigh Nisbet admires the drones at the school’s aviation section. Back in 1959 to 1963 when he attended the school, the only drones that pupils learned about were probably bees.

If you ever attended Slade School or St Catharine’s (in Warwick or in Stanthorpe) and would like a little walk down memory lane, the Slade Campus Past Students Association has uploaded a plethora of old school magazines to its website.

Slade old boy Leigh Nisbet, who is in charge of the website and is also curator of the museum, was at the opening of the Warwick Christian College classrooms on Friday last week and enjoyed the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of his younger self.

The website that he maintains as part of his love for his old school contains downloadable pdfs of many old journals that he has uploaded. Check the website, and follow the link for school magazines.

There aren’t many newsletters for St Catharine’s to be found, so if people still have a secret stash of school journals, they might like to offer them on loan to be scanned.

Also attending the event was Joan White, of Toowoomba, who is the editor of Kinawah, the journal of past students of Slade, St Catharine’s and Warwick Christian College.

She said the group was currently looking for information on the Church of England Girls’ School, which operated in Warwick from 1918 until its amalgamation with St Catharine’s in 1937.

“Our archivist and patron Ted Ross has been searching Trove for any information but the particulars like enrolments from that time are limited,” she said.

“Ted’s search of archived newspaper records for mention of individuals named for outstanding sports or speech day presentations has found several individuals previously unknown to us but of course so many years later there are fewer people around for us to ask about this era.

“If you are a daughter, son, granddaughter, grandson, great niece or grand nephew of any CEGS ladies, we’re putting out an SOS for names, photos and any information you may be able to provide.”