Emily is the last lady standing

Emily Gordon and David McMahon … on track in their relationship. Picture: SAMANTHA WANTLING

By Jenel Hunt

Farmer Wants a Wife’s David McMahon doesn’t have to keep a low profile with his lady Emily any more.

In the latest episode, the Pozieres apple farmer was shown on national television making his choice between the two final ladies, Emily and Lorelei.

Emily, a teacher’s aide, has already moved to Pozieres (she has been here since January) and has a job at one of the Granite Belt’s outlying schools … but it was part of the deal with Channel 7 that they didn’t flaunt their relationship until the rest of Australia had caught up.

Still, she’s pretty settled, with her work and a gig doing dancing classes.

“People are amazing here, and just look at this scenery,“ she said (despite the fact that it was an overcast day on Tuesday when we caught up to take photos).

David’s choice was not without its share of drama on the screen.

Standing on a picturesque old jetty on the family property, he held Lorelei’s hands and gazed into her eyes.

“Coming into this, I never knew that it would shape my future in such a significant way,” he told her.

“I hope you know how much I adore you; how incredible I think you are.

“I came here to find love and to pave a future on the farm and it breaks my heart to have to tell you I have fallen so heavily with someone else and I have to give that future a chance.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming on this adventure with me and for opening your heart.”

After a hug, and a few more words from both, she became overcome by the moment and started to feel faint, slowly sinking down to come to rest on a timber box that was hastily pushed towards her at David’s request by one of the production crew.

He admitted to Lorelei that it was incredibly difficult and comforted her as well as he could.

But Emily was his chosen one.

“I came here to find a future partner. I don’t think I ever realised how big this adventure would be,” he told Emily.

During the episode, Emily said she couldn’t wait to be with him on the farm.

“He’s just the best person I’ve ever met,“ she said.

Now, away from the television cameras and the spotlight, they have a chance to cement the relationship they started so publicly.

“It’s an intense way to get to know someone,” David said.

David said this week that he was feeling ‘pretty relaxed’ now that the hard decisions had been made. It’s almost all over in terms of television time for the couple, with just the reunion episode to be aired.

“It’s been good,” he said.

On a personal note, I’d like to thank my editor for letting me watch television during working hours. All in the name of the story, you understand.