Surprising frost


By Whistle Stop Heritage and Community Garden Committee

Well, the frost surprised us all, didn’t it? We lost a few plants from our sales igloo but the hothouse contents were unscathed. We have planted our annual crop of garlic and it is already showing green shoots so we look forward to the harvest next October/November.

The frost-damaged plants elsewhere in the garden have been brush-cut back and mulched for the summer, and winter veg have survived. It is always amazing to see the size of the pumpkin and gourd crop that is uncovered when the vines are zapped. The gourds have been safely put away to dry out for summer sales. They are always popular. We have sweet pea seeds for sale and have been assured of many bright colours among them.

We are in the process of setting up a wick bed in a full-size bath and plan to hold a workshop for anyone interested in learning how to develop one. Contact us if you are interested.

The Wednesday pottery group are delighted with their efforts and plans are afoot to continue further workshops at the ’goods shed’. We are helping towards the QFS building restoration efforts to extend the opportunities for further craft and art activities, particularly with a garden theme. We already have a mosaic table top under the Ant as well as bird baths and now a giraffe and two emus and look forward to having more garden art to add interest to Whistle Stop garden.

There are many tasks to be done here, not just gardening; we need a person with a hammer and a nail punch to attend to the wooden floors of the loading ramps on each side of the goods shed. They that have been down for 140 odd years and need attention.

Volunteers are always welcome and our opening times are Wednesday to Saturday from 7.30am to 12.30pm. Volunteer on a regular basis or just for an hour of two or when you have time. Contact 4681 3553 or 0400 736 510, or just drop in for a chat.