Masterpoint promotions celebrated at Warwick bridge

Carla Hall, Janny Sipple and Pat Kelly display their certificates while President Claire Duggan looks on.

Dealer: N Vul: Nil


♠ Q64

♥ 8

♦ J82

♣ J98632


♠ AK96 ♠ 75

♥ AKQ2 ♥ 97543

♦ Q1064 ♦ A97

♣ A ♣ KQ7


♠ J1032

♥ J106

♦ K53

♣ 1054

Congratulations to the three members who have received promotions in the ABF Masterpoints scheme. They are: Pat Kelly (Bronze State), Janny Sipple (Local) and Carla Hall (Club).

In bridge you will never come last if you bid only contracts that are certain, but you won’t win very often either.

Sandra Head and Lois James, winners of the Handicap Pairs Championship showed their aggressive bidding style, backed up by accurate play on Board 17 of Round One.

After three passes, Sandra (West) could bid 2D, showing 22 plus high card points. The bidding then progressed to the point where Sandra was able to discover that Lois held the missing Ace. That was enough for Sandra to set sail for 6NT which, in a pairs contest, scores better than a slam in a contract where there is a trump suit.

North led the Jack of clubs, saving Sandra the trouble of unblocking the Ace.

With a probable loss of a diamond trick declarer would need North/South’s hearts to split no worse than 3-1. After winning trick one declarer can test the hearts. Once both defenders have followed suit under the Ace of hearts declarer can count eleven tricks and must look for a second trick in diamonds to bring the total to twelve.

If South holds both the King and the Jack, 6NT will fail by one trick. Declarer will therefore hope that North/South have one of these cards each. The search for the missing honour cards can start with the Queen of diamonds, which will lose to the South’s King.

Declarer can win any continuation, say a spade lead from South, and play a small diamond to East’s nine. This wins, giving declarer the twelfth trick. This was a bold slam, but the play in diamonds had a 66% chance of success. Opportunities like this need to be taken.

Results: Monday, 24/07/23 (6 & ½-table Mitchell): N/S T. Hinde N. Bonnell (61.1) 1; Jenny Smith L Munson (50.4) 2; J. Nankervis P. Kelly (49.3) 3. E/W P. Campbell D. Moran (62.1)1; C. Duggan N. McGinness (60.0) 2; W. Milne J. Sipple (54.2) 3. Overall Handicap Pairs: S. Head L. James 1; A. Macdonald B. Reid 2. Friday, 28/07/23 (5 & ½-table Howell) P. Kelly M. Simpson (64.8) 1; R. Hart S. Goddard (63.4) 2; D. Moran N. McGinness (61.1) 3; N. Collins T. Hinde (54.6) 4.