Warwick club gearing up for Australia-wide pairs

This week at Bridge. Jenny Smith, Pat Kelly, Claire Duggan and David Moran.

Dealer: N Vul: N/S


♠ J1075

♥ J865

♦ 952

♣ K4


♠ AKQ43 ♠ 962

♥ AK3 ♥ 1072

♦ AKQ103 ♦ J76

♣ — ♣ 10987


♠ 8

♥ Q94

♦ 84

♣ AQJ6532

Special events being held this month are the Australia-wide Pairs on Monday, 28 and the Draw Pairs this Friday. In the latter event partners are determined by lot, so there will be some very different partnerships.

There are times in Bridge when one player is so strong that it is futile to expect partner to join the auction. Board five from Monday was one such time. West had to go it alone and choose the best contract, using the information available. When Claire Duggan picked up the West hand she must have regarded 4S as the contract most likely to succeed. The first important piece of information came when South made the pre-emptive bid of 3C, the purpose of which was to take up East/West’s bidding space. The likelihood of East having any more than a couple of points was low. Claire’s bid of 4S concluded the auction. North obediently lead the King of clubs, which was ruffed in the West hand. Three rounds of trumps were played and then the diamonds were run. There was no way to avoid losing a spade and the three of hearts. South had no trouble finding discards and protecting the Queen of hearts, as South’s clubs were now useless.

At the other tables, it would appear that every declarer also had to cope with a 3C bid by South. All those West’s must have assumed that they would get a second bid. All bid diamonds and played in a partscore. Claire’s 450 for 4S making eleven tricks was well ahead of the next best score of 150. When holding two five-card suits it is always better to bid the higher ranking one first. Bonus points are available in diamonds for eleven tricks bid and made, but only ten are needed in spades.

Results, Monday, 07/08/23 (4 & 1/2-table Howell)) N. Bonnell T. Hinde (61.8) 1; N. Collins M. Simpson (61.1) 2; P. Campbell D. Moran (57.6) 3 eq: J. Nankervis P. Kelly (57.6) 3 eq. Friday, 11/08/23 (3 & ½-table Howell) N. Bonnell T. Hinde (62.0) 1; C. Duggan B. Reid (55.7) 2; D. Moran N. McGinness (53.1) 3.