Elaine puts her hand up for big job

Birthday time for members.

Our president Nick took leave for the August meeting, so it was chaired by past president Elaine, who has very generously volunteered to take on the position of vice president for this year.

This also means another term of president next year, as the club was unable to source anyone interested in taking on this position, and our club was doomed to closure.

Our club has more than 70 members and this would have been a very sad scenario if it were to happen. Elaine is now enlisting the help of a committee, so please step forward to help keep our club going.

Raymond Mattiazzi was the August guest speaker, and gave the members a good idea on what is available for funeral. He emphasised strongly the need for families to talk about these matters, so that stress, uncertainty and family arguments are avoided. Also ensure that all special requirements are written down, preferably in the person’s will, and make sure family members know where to find the will.

A very enjoyable outing to Brass Monkey Brewery was had on Thursday, where we also celebrated “Birthday Month” for all our members. Shirley Zanatta, Val Rogers, Mack Rees and Catarina Giacosa all had their birthday this month, so had the honour of cutting the cake.

Next meeting 26 September….see you all there.