Bush balladeer honoured

Councillors with the Thompson family after the award presentation honouring the late Ted Thompson. Picture: Southern Downs Regional Council

By Jenel Hunt

A man who brought enjoyment to many through country music has been posthumously honoured with a Southern Downs Regional Council Community Award.

Presenting the award to Ted Thompson’s widow Del and family, Cr Marco Gliori remembered Ted’s great contribution to the local music scene and his ‘knockabout, irreverent attitude that saw those of his generation survive tough times and hard yakka’.

“His genre was country music and all things Australian, and his passion for sharing those talents has left an enduring legacy,” he said.

“When Ted Thompson walked into a festival, a venue, a pub, a campsite, his grin was infectious and his welcome was warm.

“Ted was the proverbial campfire crooner – a much respected bush balladeer, comedian and yarn spinner.”

During his lifetime, Ted won several hundred singing and performance trophies, and appeared alongside Slim Dusty on several occasions at the Warwick Town Hall.

Cr Gliori said Ted was also a dedicated family man, a dear friend, a poet and community oracle.

He said Ted had long volunteered his music at Warwick retirement centres, functions across the Southern Downs and had also helped out as performer, judge and compere at country music festivals far and wide.

“It’s no wonder Lawrence Springborg presented him an OBE – that is, an Over Bloody Eighty award. Ted was extremely proud of that award,” he said.

“Other balladeers also loved seeing Ted. He represented the old school and also encouraged first timers. His advice might have been sprinkled with a bit of bulldust, though.

“And now, I’m sure we can all imagine Ted tapping some angel on the shoulder and telling her to ‘Park the harp, love, and hand me that six-string, will ya?’

Cr Gliori finished the award presentation with some song-inspired verse.

God’s own singer of songs has left with so many ballads to play

And leaving him out in the long yard is a solemn occasion today

But the angel’s there from Goulburn Hill and his bloody bonza mates

As the Indian Pacific on the road to Heaven waits.

And when the moon across the bushland hits the Birdsville Track

And the spirit of Australia’s looking forward looking back

He’ll have done no wrong in his mother’s eye and his fans will cry out loud

“You were the boss who steadied the lead, Ted – you done us proud.”