Acciona Energia reflects on a big 2023

Acciona Energia finished 85 wind turbines last year and laid the last foundations. Photo contributed.

It was an exciting 2023 for Acciona Energía’s MacIntyre Wind Farm, with multiple major milestones reached over the past months, including 85 fully completed Wind Turbine Generators and the final foundation poured in mid-December.

This also marks the end of over 121,500 m3 of concrete pours and over 14,580 tonnes of reinforcement steel installation at the MacIntyre Wind Farm.

Over the past 12 months 32 groups have visited the site, bringing nearly 900 visitors, including the wider community, school students and staff, industry groups, local government and emergency services personnel.

The company says it welcomes having the community take a part in the journey, having voices heard and participating in community engagement initiatives related to the project, has been a major driver for its successful progress this year.

The project has assisted 31 sponsorship recipients and provided nearly $110,000 to groups and organisations, helping to expand local services to people in need of support and/or improving local facilities.

“In 2023, we were also able to award three UniSQ scholarships to students located within the project and surrounding regions,“ a spokesperson said.

“Our team provided 50 educational events to promote community awareness and education of sustainability and renewable energy solutions.

“Next year, our team will offer another round of UniSQ Scholarships as well as local sponsorships valued at $100,000.”