Seeking a second term for Tancred

Councillor candidate Stephen Tancred. Picture: FILE

Councillor Stephen Tancred will seek a second term on the Southern Downs Regional Council, announcing his candidacy with a statement to Warwick-Stanthorpe Today.

“For the past four years, it’s been my privilege to serve the people of the Southern Downs. I feel we have achieved a lot as a council and I hope I have met residents expectations,” Mr Tancred said.

Mr Tancred said the election landscape was still quiet but hoped more candidates would be announced soon.

“It’s important to give voters a choice and get a diverse group of sensible women and men around the table,” he said

“We do have robust debate and all views get discussed, but in the end, most of the big decisions have been by healthy majorities or unanimous, so the team is achieving together.”

Mr Tancred has served as a councillor since his election in 2020.

“To be a good councillor you need to be in the community, in step and in time. For me it’s all about working hard for the people and us doing the best for the people” he said.

“It’s the 22,000 voters who will decide, but I think it’s like a game of footy. You keep your good players on the field and build on momentum going forward.”