Be the one to bring the magic

Last year's festival saw a group of Filipino workers from Wickhams transport stepping up to help out. Picture: SAMANTHA WANTLING

By Lucy Waldron

With Jumpers and Jazz in July growing nearer by the minute, the committee has started actively recruiting volunteers.

Taking place over 10 days from 18- 28 July , this celebration, renowned for its woolly wonders, is entirely community and volunteer-led.

President Pam Burley said this year the committee was strengthening its volunteer strategies by creating team leaders for various aspects of the festival where volunteers were required.

“Those team leaders will be a part of the planning of how the volunteers will be engaged to do the work whether that is setting up tables and chairs in the street, or welcoming groups of visitors with a warm Warwick welcome, manning the festival hub and sharing information to the thousands of visitors who come to the region for the festival,” she said.

Outside of the tree artists, yarntopians and event organisers, last year saw 94 people actively lending a helping hand throughout the 10 days.

This year, the committee hopes to match or exceed that number by encouraging more community members to join the effort.

“We are always keen to hear from anyone who can join our team for whatever length of time suits them a few hours, 1 day, a couple of days, or more.  Join us in the JJJ engine room,” Pam said.

Those interested in volunteering can complete an online application form available on the festival’s website at