EKKA increases numbers

Livestock numbers increased across the categories this week as we move into the Ekka period of Vendors and Agents promoting their products at the biggest show in the state. The important thing is to see the number of young people getting involved in the rural, either by competing or by simply working in this vital industry. Cattle numbers got to 1529 head, whilst Sheep& Lamb numbers got to 2338, the Poultry and Pork numbers remained at a constant level.

Bulls sold from 172.20 c/kg to 312.20c/kg or $516.72 to $2848.50

Cows sold from 108.20 to 285.20c/kg or $422.54 to $2217.60

Feeder heifers sold from 140 to 320.2c/kg or $392.56 to $1354.45

Feeder steers sold from 191.2c to 396.2c/kg or $664.86 to $1901.69

Heifers sold from 110c to 333.20c/kg or $535.50 to $2278.50

Steers sold from 212.2c to 398.2c/kg or $810.54 to $2601.48

Vealer heifers sold from 177.2c/kg to 379.2c/kg or $280.83 to $1403.04

Vealer steers sold from 168.2c/kg to 400c/kg or $252.30 to $1258.00

Yearling heifers sold from 166.2c to 384.2c/kg or $340.71 to $1684.00

Yearling Steers sold from 108.2c to 400.2c/kg or $252.30 to $2848.50

Sheep & Lamb numbers were slightly down, with the rain in some areas affecting the availability.

Lambs topped at $236 to av $124.73, Hoggets topped at $140 to av $73.11, Ewes topped at $110 to av $63.69, Wethers topped at $119 to av $53.67, Rams topped at $101 to av $55.62, Ram Lambs topped at $120 to av $82.44.

The sale average was $98.59/ head for the 2338 head yarded.

Pig & Pork numbers were back with the battle for stock raising the prices slightly, Boars sold from $140 to $180, Sows to $300, Pork from $227 to $268, Light Pork to $220, Stores selling from $84 to $179

Poultry numbers were consistent without the flavour of the variety of types being available.

Pullets sold to $30, Roosters to $22.50, Hens to $35, Ducks to $12.50, Set of Ducks & Drake to $35