Junior girls aim for Leyburn three-peat

Stevie Chant (17), Tannum Sands, Qld (1970 Ford Escort).

By Chris Nixon

Four young women are taking their first steps toward a motor-racing career with entries in the Juniors competition at the Historic Leyburn Sprints on 17-18 August.

The competition for the Mike and Ann Collins Memorial Junior Award is for drivers aged between 14 and 17 and is run to “regularity” rules. Instead of racing for fastest times, they win by staying closest to a target time they set for themselves – faster or slower loses points.

Stevie Chant (17), Hannah Michel (15), Madhava Sternbeck (14) and Yamuna Sternbeck (16) may be in the Junior class at Leyburn, but all already have several years’ experience on-track and are members of motor-racing families.

“I started racing because my family has been involved in racing for my whole life,” Stevie Chant said.

“This weekend my uncle Jamie is racing his XY Falcon, auntie Tricia (President of the Historic Leyburn Sprints) is racing her Mustang and my dad and I are racing his Escort.”

They will be up against six male Juniors of similar experience, but that won’t deter them – girls won the 2022 and 2023 Awards; 2022 winner Stevie Chant is back for another try this year.

The Junior regulations aim to curb the natural impatience of youth and develop the skills of smoothness and precision. They’ll still go fast in regularity and the competition is a stiff challenge of skill and discipline that even older and very experienced drivers find hard to master.

Now in its sixth year, the trophy honours the memory of the Sprints founders, the late Mike and Ann Collins, who had a strong belief in the life benefits offered by motorsport.

Mindful that the Darling Downs has produced two global racing superstars, Indianapolis 500 winner Will Power and Porsche factory sports car driver Matt Campbell, who knows where the Juniors’ experience at Leyburn eventually will take them?

The Junior girls at Leyburn:

Stevie Chant (17), Tannum Sands, Qld (1970 Ford Escort)

Hannah Michel (15), Invergowrie, NSW (2003 Subru Impreza)

Madhava Sternbeck (14), Missen Flat, Qld (2000 Mini Cooper)

Yamuna Sternbeck (16), Missen Flat, Qld (2007 Mini Cooper)