Quilts a quality fund-raiser

From left, Ros Robinson, Glenis Pugliese and Lyn Johnson will be giving their beautiful handcrafts an airing this weekend in Warwick.

IT’S the annual Airing of the Quilts this weekend at Glenrose, Warwick.

The display, cent sale, stalls and raffles have raised $35,000 in the last four years to assist victims of breast and prostate cancer on the Darling Downs.
The gorgeous quilts, representing thousands of hours of delicate needlework, will be joined by wall hangings made by Warwick High School students, bags, jackets, and table runners.
Now in its fifth year, the weekend events will again include cent sales with many good prizes and a raffle.
A number of stalls will offer craft items for sale.
Michelle’s colourful belly dancers will entertain on Saturday while Jenny’s Line Dancers will perform Sunday.
Hot and cold drinks, home-made treats, sandwiches and a lunchtime sausage sizzle will also be available.
All proceeds go to the Breast and Prostate Cancer Association of Queensland, Toowoomba Branch.
“We are so happy to be able to create awareness, as well as raise funds for people in our community challenged by Breast and Prostate Cancer,” organiser Glenis Pugliese said.
The Airing of the Quilts will be held between 10am and 4pm on Saturday and Sunday in the beautiful gardens at Glenrose Patchwork, 138 Ogilvie Rd, Warwick.