Home made booze deaths

A FATHER whose son was one of three friends who died after drinking home-made liquor at Ballandean earlier this year has been charged over their deaths.
William Neil Clarence Lynam, 69, appeared in the Warwick Magistrates’ Court on Friday to face three counts of manslaughter and one of grievous bodily harm.
Mr Lynam’s son Joel, 21, and mates Vincent Summers, 21, and Bryan Wilmot, 30, died in June after drinking the moonshine liquor during a birthday celebration at a waterhole on the family’s Ballandean property.
Police will allege the men died after drinking poisonous methanol alcohol.
The charge of grievous bodily harm relates to the alleged permanent injuries suffered by his son Joshua, who survived the drinking session.
Magistrate Graham Lee released Mr Lynam on bail to reappear in January.