Southern Downs Rifle Club

ON Sunday 19 January shooters were at the 500 Yard Range on a day where the wind came from behind and caused a fish-tailing effect as it blew up the range. The score for the only Target Rifle (Iron Sight) out of a possible 105 was Merv Bray who shot 89.3. Welcome back Merv after a short absence, Merv also returned with a new barrel in his rifle.
The scores for the F Class (Scope Class) out of a possible 126 were Beth Caskey 119.4, David Taylor 115.5, Barry Russell 113.3, Paul Findlay 109.3, Graham Eagle 108.2, Paul Reid 105.3 and Margaret Taylor 104.1.
Next Sunday 26 January we will be at the 600-yard range – come along and try long range target shooting for a sport. It is a most interesting and a challenging sport where you can meet great people who are only too happy to assist.
If you do not possess a rifle for the day’s event a club rifle can be supplied for the day, to arrange for a club rifle please contact Chris Neave on mobile 0417 649 471 or Rob Bondfield on Mobile 0408 378 724 or Barry Russell (07) 46 810 835.
On Sunday 26 there will be a club meeting followed by a barbecue after the day’s event. All members are urged to attend and have input into the club. This is your club and it is important to express views for discussion at this meeting.