Airport takes off

Government and industry see Wellcamp as a game-changer. 115133_01


WELLCAMP airport will be a “game-changer” for farmers on the Southern Downs, according to government and agriculture heavyweights.
Queensland Minister for Agriculture John McVeigh and National Farmers’ Federation president Brent Finlay both praised the new airport under construction near Toowoomba at a Rural Press Club function in Brisbane on Friday.
Both said it would assist southeast Queensland farmers to access Asian city markets.
“Through that airport there you’re into the likes of Singapore and Hong Kong within an eight or nine-hour period,” Mr McVeigh said.
“That’s quicker than getting it to Melbourne, so I think the potential is astronomical.”
Mr McVeigh said the new airport, due to open late this year, is due to the vision, the foresight and the confidence of the Wagner family.
“There’s not one cent of local government, State Government or Federal Government money going in to their development and I think that is a magnificent achievement,” he said.
“In terms of what it means for agriculture, I think it represents some fairly significant opportunities.
“Horticulture out of the Lockyer Valley, horticulture out of the southern Darling Downs, from Toowoomba to Stanthorpe, we’re seeing a lot of horticulture export development there,” Mr McVeigh said.
Mr Finlay said the new airport will help to high quality produce to high-value markets.
“That’s a game-changer,” Mr Finlay said of the Wagner project.
“I see that as an amazing opportunity for agriculture, particularly in the southeast corner. Eight hours in a jumbo and you’re almost in an Asian city.
“We have to always be at the high-value, sharp end of agricultural produce. We can never compete on just fair, average quality.
“Australia is still well-positioned to put high-quality produce into those markets that are the high-value markets.”
“I’m excited about the opportunity we’ve got now, but we’ve got to go and grab it.”