High tea for harmony

HARMONY Day will be celebrated in Stanthorpe with a high tea at ArtWorks on Davadi on 21 March.
Harmony Day is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.
The day applies to everyone, from traditional owners of the land to those who have come from overseas to make Australia home whether they be migrants or refugees.
The high tea event will include musical harmonies from The Warwick Indigenous Choir and Stanthorpe’s Contempo choir.
Funds from the event will go towards HeArtWorks, a venture into social enterprise producing handmade local pieces to sell.
As ArtWorks is a not-for-profit organisation, reliant on funding and donations, these ventures bring in much-needed revenue while enriching the Stanthorpe community, organisers said.
Bookings are essential as there are limited numbers for the event. Tickets are available at ArtWorks and Wildflower in Stanthorpe.