Southern Cross Bowls

TWO social games of pairs were played at the Cross last Sunday. C Davidson, Y Reid defeated L Munroe, T Hagley 23-13; B Doherty, M Rawlins def C Sawyer, M Ford 16-8. Well done, Mick.
There will be social mixed bowls next Sunday, 2 March starting at 1pm.
Best wishes to Frank. Hope you will be back on the green as soon as possible.
Results of ladies’ bowls – L Butler, B Donovon def C Sawyer, Q Hamer 8-6. Ladies, there will be no bowls today, Thursday, 27 Feruary as we have quite a few ladies away or unable to play.
The SDDLBA Championship Fours will now be played at the Southern Cross on Monday, 3 March and Tuesday, 4 March.
Coming up next week on Thursday, 6 March will be the monthly meeting followed by bowls. Names will also be taken for competitions.