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A CAREERS visit by two police officers to her primary school changed the life of Warwick police officer Kirsten Lister.
Constable Lister now works in general duties at Warwick and urged other young people who might be looking for a career in the police to come along to the Queensland Police Recruiting seminar in Warwick on Tuesday night.
“I had always been interested in a career as a police officer, since primary school when two officers came to talk to my class,” she said.
“I completed an undergraduate degree and travelled then decided I should probably apply (a now or never kind of thing).
“Then I attended a recruiting seminar in 2007 and realised I met all of the requirements and submitted my application in February 2008.
“Because I had lived overseas I had to get an FBI clearance which was daunting.”
Constable Lister went to the academy in 2008 and graduated as dux of her squad in 2009.
“I loved my time there especially the friends I made,” she said.
“My favourite part was fitness training and I found firearms training to be the most challenging.”
Constable Lister said she started out stationed at Ipswich, coming to Warwick four years ago.
“I have since completed my Graduate Certificate in Terrorism, Safety and Security through Charles Sturt University,” she said.
“I’ve had the opportunity to do deployments in Goondiwindi, Schoolies, and Taskforce Takeback.”
Constable Lister said loved the variety of her job.
“I’m happy to stay in general duties because I love the variety and energy of first response to emergency situations,” she said.
The Queensland Police Recruiting Seminar will be held at the Warwick RSL on Tuesday 11 March from 6pm to 7.30pm.
It will be a chance for those interested in a career in the police to come along and speak to recruiting officers about the hundreds of careers available within the Queensland Police Service.
Information will be provided on the selection process, the academy, pay and conditions.
Bookings are required and can be made on 1 300 BE A COP or by heading to