Mixed prices, yearlings up

Warwick Cattle report

THE trend of larger numbers continued with supply increasing by 51 per cent at the Warwick Cattle sales on Tuesday 4 March.
There was a wide variation in the standard of the young cattle and the very large penning of cows made up almost 70 per cent of the grown cattle. Buyer attendance was good and included most of the major export processors, plus additional interstate feeder buyers.
Prices experienced a mixed trend with young lightweight cattle hard to sell, especially the heifer portion. However, medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed improved 15c to 19c/kg. Heavy grown steers and bullocks sold to very solid demand from processors. The better end of the cows also experienced strong competition, while the plain condition classes improved in price.
Calves to restockers averaged 131c, with isolated sales to the trade at 170c/kg. The supply of vealer heifers exceeded demand and average prices eased by 7c to 9c, with most around 135c/kg.
Well-presented lines to suit local butchers were in short supply with isolated sales to 196.2c/kg. Lightweight yearling steers returning to the paddock averaged 162c and made to 167.2c/kg.
Medium weights to feed averaged 170c and heavyweights averaged close to 174c, with a few pens to 188.2c/kg. Lightweight yearling heifers lacked demand with most in the mid 120c range, while poor quality lines averaged 109c/kg.
Medium weight feeders averaged 12c dearer at 154c and local trade descriptions improved 9c to average 163c, with sales to 174.2c/kg.
Heavy grown steers and bullocks made to 186.6c to average close to 180c/kg. Medium weight plain cows averaged 96c and medium weight 2 scores averaged 119c and made to 131.2c/kg.
Good heavy cows made to 159.6c to average 148c/kg. Heavy bulls made to 165.6c/kg.