Offenders all locals

POLICE are reporting a handful of arrests during Warwick’s festival weekend but no major incidents occurred.
A man was reported wearing nothing but his boots outside the Civic Centre on Sunday.
Police later located and charged a 24-year-old man with wilful exposure.
Stanthorpe Police Senior Sergeant Mark Island said while there was very little in the way of crime reported over the weekend despite the very large number of visitors to the area.
However, it was disappointing that most of the people charged were not visitors but the small group of locals who police deal with on a regular basis, he said.
“The prominent offences were public nuisance and liquor-related with 11 people either receiving on-the-spot infringements or alternatively charged and having to face Stanthorpe Court in April,” Senior Sergeant Ireland said.
“Two wilful damage offences were reported, one in Symes Street where a rock was thrown through a window and the second where damage was caused to council gardens in Maryland Street.
CCTV footage identified a 23-year-old Stanthorpe man causing damage in the gardens and he was detained at the scene and charged by police.
Sen Sgt Island said despite more than 1000 breath tests being performed by police, only one drink driver was intercepted.
A 23-year-old Stanthorpe woman recorded .155 per cent on the breathalyser, he said.