Drought aid on way

TENTERFIELD farmers will get a chance to take part on the ’Lifting the Lid on Drought’ tour launched this week.
The tour, which will make it’s way to the Tenterfield region towards the end of the month, presents details of the NSW and Federal Government’s recently announced drought assistance packages to farmers battling with drought in the region.
The Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (LLS) has joined forces with Landcare, Farm-Link and the Rural Financial Counselling Service to host a series of practical drought management workshops:
LLS district vets, livestock officers and pasture agronomists, rural financial counsellors and health and well-being experts will present advice on feeding strategies, marketing options, livestock and pasture management, health and support services.
They will advise on how farmers can access State and Federal Government assistance as well as the just released Northern Tablelands LLS Drought Recovery Project.
LLS district vet Andrew Biddle said it was important to reach as many farmers as possible.
“No two properties will have the same amount of feed left in the paddock, the same amount of capital in the bank to drawn on, or the same management problems to negotiate,” he said.
“These workshops will give landholders the chance to meet the local professionals they can talk to one-on-one about their individual situation.”
“Our aim is to keep the sessions simple and practical, providing basic information on challenges like how much feed you need per animal, per day, and how to calculate the costs,” Mr Biddle said.
“We’ll also highlight the problems to watch out for when delivering alternative feed sources you’re not familiar with, because that’s when people get into trouble.”
“We also want to remind farmers to take care of their own mental and physical health, because if you are not healthy yourself, it will be much harder to make good decisions for your business.”
“In my experience, whenever you are in a drought situation, when people are grappling with animal health issues, there are nearly always human welfare issues to consider as well.”
“So we’re taking a holistic approach, dealing with animal health, environmental health, and human health in one forum,” Mr Biddle said.
Food and refreshments will be supplied at the workshops, including breakfast at morning sessions, and supper in the evening.
Landholders planning to attend the ‘Lifting the Lid on Drought’ workshops are asked to RSVP for catering purposes the Landcare office: Granite Borders (Tenterfield) (02) 6736 3500.
When: On 25 March 7.30am to 10am Legume Hall (Qld time); 4pm-7.20pm Mingoola Hall. On 27 March: 7.30am-10am Nullamanna Hall; 4pm-7.30pm Tenterfield.