Australia Day rocks at Killarney

Celebrating the heroes of Killarney.

By Judith Petersen

The Killarney Lions Club held its annual Australia Celebration in Pat Bush Bi-Centenial Park with the day starting between 5am and 5.30am for club members and helpers who were setting up.

By 8am all was already

Dampers were being cooked, breakfast of bacon, egg, sausage, tomato and baked beans, entertainers were ready to go, the jumping castle up, ice-cream van, coffee and donuts, and sheep ready for the trials.

An estimated 400-500 people enjoyed the day.

James Lister MP and Mayor Vic Pennisi addressed the crowd before leaving to attend Warwick celebrations.

Young Liam Dau gave a couple of whip cracking demonstrations.

Gary Hurtz entertained with Sheep Dog Trial demonstrations.

Our musicians and performers – locals “Free Radicals“ and Bruce Halter as well as the Fern Brothers and Nine Year Sister.

Sam Wickham from Killarney Memorial Aged Care (KMAC) conducted Egg and Spoon races, Gum Boot tossing.

The Pool leasee opened the pool all day and it was good to see many enjoy this facility and take the opportunity to cool down.

Visitors came from all surrounding areas as well as Warwick, Brisbane etc with many saying they will be back again next year. We were also joined by a number of KMAC residents who enjoyed the day.

The Presentation of Awards took place at 11 am with our own Lions Club Member Ray Bodley being presented the Citizens Award by Deputy Mayor Councillor Ross Bartley.


Ray Bodley, presented by Cr Ross Bartley.

Queensland Ambulance Service first responder volunteer for 15 years; volunteer and life member of Warwick Dragway for over 20 years; yolunteer fire captain of Legume Rural Fire Brigade for 12 years. He was deployed to Lismore Flood Recovery and cleanup on two occasions in 2022 following devastating floods. He is also a volunteer member of Killarney Lions Club.


Killarney RSL Sub-branch, in conjunction with Tannymorel Hall Committee, presented by Cr Stephen Tancred

Centenary celebration of Tannymorel’s War Memorial (Cenotaph), originally dedicated on 7 February 1922. There is a pictorial book to be released commemorating this event and highlighting the history of Tannymorel.


Angela Washbourne, presented by Cr Andrew Gale:

Volunteer Killarney Amateur Swimming Club and role model to all at the Killarney Pool.


Harper Bartz, presented by Sam Wickham (KMAC): Outstanding achievements in wwimming.

The Lions Club would like to thank Killarney Memorial Aged Care who obtained a grant from the Australia Day Council and supported us on this Day.

The Australia Day Council for the Grant to assist our small Community celebrate the achievements of our awardees. The Southern Down Regional Council for having the park well presented.

We would also like to acknowledge the many local main street business people who were open during the day with entertainment and meals.

Many comments have been received about how good it was to see all the activities going on.

A special thanks must go to all the locals and visitors who made Killarney’s Australia Day celebration one to be remembered and to the many people who gave us a hand on the day as it was very much appreciated, without you there to join us we would not have had such a good day.