Sports Shorts

Mark Baker (l) booked his spot in the Medal of Medalists field later in the year with a win in the June Medal round last Saturday. Gary Kirby from Andersens of Stanthorpe (sponsor of the day) was on hand to shake his hand after the win.


Sixty-two players teed off in ideal golfing conditions for the Warwick Sporters midweek Stableford game on Wednesday’s (31/5).

Wayne Walters came out on top with 39 points closely followed by Kel Lucas and Peter Balfour on 38 points. Kel took second spot after the countback relegating Pete to a ball in the run down.

Others to receive a ball in the rundown ball were Greg Carey, Peter Wright and Jon Pearson (37), Keith Clarke, Trevor King and Mark Simmonds (36).Greg Wallace and Herb Bownds (35) took the final two spots.

Our resident Professional aptly took the honours on the Pro Pin 13th collecting $30, Greg Wallace $20 and Don Stewart $10.

Nearest the pins were A Skinner (5th) , Greg Wallace (7th), Ron Simon (9th), Jesse Ollerton (11th) and Ron Cruice (16th).


Filomena Silver and Lisa Stuart have been showing great form in the past few weeks in the Stanthorpe Ladies midweek competition.

In the Stableford event on 24 May Filomena Silver showed she has what it takes to be an excellent golfer and won the round with an impressive score of 34 points.

Lisa Stuart continues to play very well and was the runner-up with 31 points. Stuart also won the pin shots on the 12th and 17th. Lynette Ludlow took the pin shot on the 5/14th.

This past week a small group teed off in the midweek Stableford. Mei Bell was welcomed back after returning from a holiday in New Zealand.

Lisa Stuart played exceptionally well to win the competition with a score of 34. She also won the pin shots on the 12th and 17th. The Runner up was Lorraine Evans (32) also played very well. Linda Kelly showed her skills around the green on the 5/14th to win the pin-shot there.


The Warwick Ladies midweek Single Stableford sponsored by the very popular The Cherry Tree Coffee and Dining was hotly contested this past week.

Taking line honours was the ever consistent Jill Barnes who returned a score of 42 points. No doubt that that score will shoot her up the shootout scoreboard.

Not far behind the leader was Trish Bell, with 39 points. Another very handy score for the shootout board.

Trish has been playing good golf lately, and despite her excellent scores has been unlucky to find herself runner up on two occasions lately. On any other day her scores would have been good enough to win.

Jill and Trish each received vouchers from the Cherry Tree coffee and dining.

The rundown went to Di Johnston, (38), Anne Lyons (36), Janine Stewart (35), Yvonne Pinington (34), Narelle Norris, and Judy Lester (33).

Anna Cox, Trish Bell, Anne Lyons and Narelle Norris shared the Pro Pin.

Remaining scores looked like this :- Vicki Bennett (32), Lois Wilson, Melanie McLennan, Anna Cox and Dianne Evans (31), Jan Aspinall (30), Lyn McKillop and Ellie Casey (29), Majella Kahler and Wendy Rhea (27), Kath Devereux (25), Sharron Cooper and Dian Macdonald (23).


Stanthorpe Sporters golfers were out and about on the front nine on Sunday morning. There were some tricky pin positions after Saturday’s Monthly Medal round which certainly gained the attention of most of the players.

A few clouds overhead meant it was a cool morning and may have kept a few regular players indoors. President Thorny is still enjoying fair seas and fine weather on his cruise but is expected back soon.

Meanwhile Ivan Juriss was sailing around the course retuning the winning score of nett 24. He bogied eight of the nine holes and had just one par, but a very generous handicap helped him take line honours. One shot back on nett 25 was runner up Stuart Rayner.

The run down went to Howard Avdyl with nett 27. Howard has only been playing competition for a short time has just gained an AGU handicap. His scoring is becoming very consistent, and we should see him figuring in the winner’s circle shortly.

With play on the front nine there was only one pin shot up for grabs at hole three. Mark Lynam played in the leading group and closed everyone out after a good tee shot gave him the ball for pin shot.

Sporters play the back nine this Sunday with an 8am tee off. The timing a little flexible depending how cold or mild the weather might be. The group extends an open invitation to everyone to come and join them for a round.


The beginning of June not only heralded the start of winter but the June Monthly Medal competition for the Warwick Ladies Saturday 3 June. The medal event was sponsored by the club’s caterers, Birdie Bistro and Bar. Maybe it was the arrival of winter but some of the ladies returned their best scores of the year.

Gwen Mills is apparently getting the hang of her new clubs. She claimed the Division One prize after a great round of 73 nett. Molly Scotney (75) was the runner up. Other results in Division One were Majella Kahler (77), Anne Lyons (78), Narelle Norris and Kath Devereux (79), Di Johnston (81), Jill Barnes (83), Janine Stewart (84) and Suzanne Carey from Pacific golf club (94).

Michelle Wright returned to her best form for some time and won Division Two with 71 nett. Helen Olsen was happy with her game and was hot on Wright’s heels finishing with 72 nett. She was followed by Yvonne Pinington (73), Tub Ingall (75), Wendy Rhea (76), Lois Wilson (78), Sharron Cooper (79), Trish Bell (81), Dianne Evans (87), Carole Brandon (93), Jan Aspinall (93).

Anne Lyons had the front Nine pin and Molly Scotney the back nine pin.

In Division two Sharron Cooper had the front nine pin while the back nine was Yvonne Pinington.

The pro pin was shared between Majella Kahler, Sharron Cooper, Di Johnston, and Janine Stewart.

Sharron Cooper secured the best front nine score and also win the Division Two putting honours with a total of 28 putts. Gwen Mills took out the Division one putting with 30 putts.

This Saturday the ladies will play a 9/18 hole Single Stableford with the trophy generously sponsored by Melanie from Style Shoes who continues to support Women’s golf in Warwick. thanks Mel.

On Wednesday June 14 the ladies will tee off in another Single Stableford sponsored by a long time supporting of the game, Lara Farrell.

Players will be warming up for the Toowoomba Open day next Thursday (15/6).

If you are planning to travel to Toowoomba, please make sure you name is down, and you have organised your travel with those who are also going.

The qualifying round of the Presidents Foursomes is Saturday 17 June.

If you have not organised yourself a playing partner, the tip is to find someone you can shake hands with on the first hole, and share that little white ball hit for hit all the way around 18 holes of foursomes.

The quarter finals will be played on Sunday 25 June and the semi’s and final will be played the following weekend. That will wrap up June and put us one step closer to Christmas.


Winter has officially arrived, and it brought with it a stroke event for the June monthly medal and putting competition for Stanthorpe golfers.

The comepitition was sponsored by Andersens of Stanthorpe and thanks to Gary Kirby for providing the prizes for the winners. It was an uncharacteristically mild day for the first comepitition in winter but there were no complaints as golfers enjoyed the ideal conditions.

Of course the winners of the men’s and Ladies events also qualify to play the Medal of Medallist round later in the year.

A good round from Mark Baker put him back in the winners after he returned the best nett score of the day, 69. Baker played a very consistent round, 44 for the front nine and 46 on the back. The men’s runner Angelo Maugeri also who had a good round of nett 70. One miss hit proved a costly to his final result, but he was happy with his round after some ordinary scores lately.

Rounding out the men’s section, Ivan Juriss had the least putts, 25 for the round and Scott Constable and Brendon Barker recorded the best gross score of the day (78),

Lyn Ludlow led the way in the Ladies event with a score of nett 73. Ludlow was a picture of consistency scoring 49 on each side. The strength of her round was her putting, 12 on the front nine and 14 on the back nine for 26 which was the best for the ladies. The runner up was Mei Bell with a score of nett 75.

Lisa Stuart had the best gross score of 93 for the round in the Ladies event.

Holding the Ladies pin shots were Lorraine Evans (12) and Lisa Stuart (17). Again there were no-takers at the third hole.

Lisa Stuart, Margie Locke and Filomena Silver featured in the run down.

Men’s pin shots went to Hamish Adam (3), Brad Silver (12) and Gary Kirby (17).

Allora visitor Terry Johnson claimed the Pro Pin at 1/10, Danny Folkers at 6/14 and Jarrod Irwin at 9/18.

The birdies nest at the par five thirteenth hole was shared, by Alan Kerr and Jason Bacon.

The men’s run down went to nett 72 with Greg Fraser, Jarrod Irwin and Terry Johnson each collecting a voucher.

This Saturday’s members will play a Single Stableford competition sponsored by club members, Keith Jones and Helen Jones. There is a Time sheet on the board at the club for the comepitition.


The Warwick Men played a single Stroke event on Saturday for their Monthly Medal. Conditions were ideal for the Medal event sponsored by long-time supporters John Dee Meats.

Trainee professional Mark Paroz has been in good form lately and was the winner of the A Grade Medal after a round of 65 nett. Charlie Morrison was in hot pursuit of the winner. His round of 66 putting him in the runner’s up spot.

The B Grade comepitition winner was David Speedy who carded nett 65. A countback was required to find the runner up after Doug Wilson and Evan Pfeffer returned 68. Doug Wilson got the nod and picked up the runner’s up voucher.

Also figuring in the run down with Pfeffer were a clutch of players on 69, Peter Millard, Dave Walker, Rick Mills and Malcolm Galloway. Ray Dudley, Don Idema and Brian Beard (70) and Scott Mills and Shane Scotney rounded out the list with 71.

The Pro Pin at 13 was shared by Ron Van Haren ($30); David Walker ($25) and Rhys Farrell ($20).

Wayne Watt was Nearest the pin at the fifth; Jet Jensen the seventh; David Speedy at the ninth; Michael Watt at the 11th and David Duroux at the 16th.


Charlie Morrison blitzed the field in the nine hole Frothy Friday Stableford comepitition. Morrison returned 22 for the round played on the back nine. In the Ladies group the honours went to winner Trish Bell and runner up Wendy Rhea.

A countback was necessary to find the second place getter after Wayne Walters and Josh Manwaring returned 19. Grant Ollerton was NTP at the 11th and Ross Bell at 13.

The winners picked up vouchers from the Birdie Bar and Bistro at he Gold Club.

Join the Friday Fun and have a hit in Warwick’s Social nine hole comepitition.


Member of the Southern Downs Rifle Association were greeted with a cool and overcast morning as they gathered at the 300yard mound for their weekly shoot at Risdon Range.

The competition quickly warmed up and there were some excellent performances.

None better than Margaret Taylor who won the open class with a perfect score and a personal best. Congratulations Margaret on an outstanding performance.

Kevon Jones took the honours in the standard class with a win over runner up Dave Taylor making it a great morning for the Taylor family.

Only two classes last Sunday, F Open and F Standard.

Results :- 300 yards

F Open (max 126.0)

Margaret Taylor, personal best (126.6); Greg Wilson (125.16); Kevin Burse (125.10); Richard McKillop (124.16); Craig Montgomery (123.9); Bruce McAllan (120.6); Charlie Montgomery (118.8)

F Std (max 126.0)

Kevin Jones (123.7); Dave Taylor (122.8); Geoff Vollmerhause (118.4); Hayden Aspinall (107.2); Marco van Schie (91.0); Wendy van Schie (79.0).

This Sunday (11/6) the competition will be at the 400 yard mound. Sign on at 8.30 am ready for a 9am start to the competition. For further details of the competition or the Southern Downs Rifle Club please contact Margaret on (07) 4666 1018.