First-time partners find success at bridge club

Mavis Simpson, Tony, Noela Collins, Judy Mobbs.

Dealer: N Vul: Nil


♠ Q632

♥ A8

♦ AKJ752

♣ 10


♠ A854 ♠ —

♥ K1076 ♥ Q9542

♦ 108 ♦ Q964

♣ QJ2 ♣ 8654


♠ KJ1097

♥ J3

♦ 3

♣ AK973

Runaway winners of the North/Section on Friday were the first-time partners Tony Hinde and Noela Collins.

In only three of their 28 boards did they have a score of less than 50 per cent. Board one (above) was one of their most spectacular successes. In contrast with all other pairs who were content to remain in 4S, Noela and Tony bid on to 6S. This was doubled by West, who was confident of defeating the contract, but by this action advertised the location of most of the missing honour cards.

West made the unusual lead of the Jack of clubs, which may have confused partner as much as it later puzzled Tony.

The first lead is the time that the hand opposite declarer’s is displayed and declarer (in this case Tony, who was sitting South) plans the play.

Bridge is a game of counting and so declarer would know that twelve tricks need to be won and would see that four spades, one heart, two diamonds and five clubs would be needed.

One of those five clubs could be a club trumped in dummy. Declarer would also know from the double that West is likely to have more trumps than East.

The first trick can be won by the Ace of clubs, followed by the King.

Then any of the Jack, ten or nine of trumps can be led. Only the Ace can beat it and will be used at that point.

On the best continuation of a heart by West, the Ace is played from dummy and hand re-entered via a trump.

Now a small club is continued and trumped in dummy.

Declarer can now win the rest of the trumps, the Ace of hearts, two top diamonds and two more clubs.

Twelve tricks made for 1210. Those players who tried to set up tricks in diamonds before drawing trumps were sadly disappointed.

Results: Friday, 07/07/23 (5-table Mitchell): N/S N. Collins T. Hinde (72.5) 1; S. Head L. James (53.3) 2. E/W P. Kelly D. Moran (59.2) 1; S. Goddard N. McGinness (53.3) 2. Monday, 10/07/23 (5-table Mitchell): N/S T. Hinde P. Campbell (60.4) 1; N. Collins D. Moran (56.2) 2. E/W P. Kelly J. Nankervis (70.0) 1; H.Price N. McGinness (60.0) 2.