Draw pairs event finalised

Beverly Bonnell, Gudrun Schmidt, Mary Johnston and Susan Goddard.

Dealer: E Vul: N/S


♠ 7

♥ A4

♦ 7632

♣ KQJ864


♠ K4 ♠ AJ10632

♥ KJ832 ♥ Q10765

♦ AQ983 ♦ —

♣ A ♣ 93


♠ Q985

♥ 9

♦ KJ104

♣ 10742

The winners of the annual Draw Pairs Event are Susan Goddard and Gudrun Schmidt. In this event, which is structured so that no regular pairings are possible, the players draw for partners. In most cases, the pairings on the day are totally new. Perhaps this is why no East/West pair reached 6H on the hand above (Board 2 from last Friday).

Three reached 4H, while one pair chose the inferior contract of 4S.

Gudrun and Sue did well to reach 4H, as it would have been tempting for Sue to have opened with a weak 2S. Gudrun could afford one exploratory bid before raising partner to 4S. Showing the heart suit led to the better choice of trump suit.

For North, the card that screamed out to be led was the King of clubs. When West won with the Ace everything seemed to be going to plan for North. Back came a heart from declarer, which was won by North’s Ace.

North continued with the Queen of clubs which, to North’s chagrin, was trumped by West. North’s remaining heart was drawn and the King of spades was cashed. Declarer then led a small spade to the Ace and followed up with the Jack. South’s Queen was now trapped.

Whether or not South covered the Jack, South could do nothing to stop declarer cross-ruffing diamonds and spades. Dummy’s fifth and sixth spades would allow any remaining diamond losers in West’s hand to be discarded. North/South held cards worth 16 High Card Points in the non-trump suits, but none made a single trick. Gudrun and Sue shared a top score on this board.

Results: Monday, 14/08/23 (4-table Howell): P. Campbell T. Hinde (59.5) 1; L. Munson P. Kelly (56.3) 2; R. Hart N. McGinness (56.5) 3. Friday Draw Pairs (4 & 12-table Howell): S. Goddard G. Schmidt (59. 3) 1; P. Kelly I. House (56.1) 2; N. Bonnell A. Macdonald (55.6) 3.