Wild cards in nation-wide event

David Moran, Jenny Smith, Pat Kelly and Claire Duggan

Dealer: W Vul: Both


♠ QJ98

♥ Q2

♦ 753

♣ K985


♠ K1042 ♠ 753

♥ KJ984 ♥ A107653

♦ 2 ♦ Q6

♣ Q76 ♣ 103


♠ A6

♥ —

♦ AKJ10984

♣ AJ42

The best performers in the Warwick Bridge Club’s heat of the Australia-Wide Pairs were Sandra Head/Lois James (N/S) and Pat Kelly/David Moran (E/W), both scoring 60 per cent. The cards were thought to be difficult for this event, but last Friday’s cards were even wilder. Board 4 (above) is an example.

At those tables where either East or West found a heart bid, a bidding war broke out in the red suits, with all four players entering the auction. In the end, East/West allowed South to play in 5D. In the heat of battle no North/South pair reached slam or looked at the possibilities in clubs. Nea McGinness, Dianne Dawes and Beverly Bonnell all made twelve tricks after West optimistically led a heart. South won with a trump and continued with two rounds of trumps. Now a finesse beckoned in both black suits, but the simplest way of continuing is to lead the Ace of spades, followed by the small spade. If West plays low, the Queen wins and South’s spade loser disappears. If West plays the King, then dummy’s Queen-Jack are promoted. Later, South’s two club losers can be discarded on those cards.

North/South not only missed the small slam in diamonds, but also missed the grand slam in clubs. All thirteen tricks can be made in clubs, but this does require an unusual finesse in clubs. The Ace of clubs is led, then the Jack. West is right to cover with the Queen, which in turn is covered by the Ace. When East’s ten falls, North’s remaining two clubs are winners. All North’s losers can be thrown on South’s long diamonds. Those who couldn’t find this play should stick with diamonds.

Results: Monday, 28/08/23 (5-table Mitchell Aust-wide pairs): N/S S. Head L. James (60.4) 1; N. Bonnell Jenny Smith (51.2) 2. E/W P. Kelly D. Moran (60.0) 1; H. Price R. Hart (57.9) 2. Friday, 01/09/23 (5 & 1/2-table Howell): N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (77.3) 1; R. Hart Jenny Smith (56.5) 2; P. Kelly D. Moran (54.2) 3; J. Hegarty D. Dawes (49.4) 4.