Dealer: N Vul: N/S
♠ 10743
♥ 96
♦ J876
♣ AK9
♠ 865 ♠ J
♥ KQ1042 ♥ A87
♦ K1052 ♦ AQ43
♣ 2 ♣ Q10873
♠ AKQ92
♥ J53
♦ 9
♣ J654
Winners on handicap last Friday were Angus Macdonald and Barbara Reid. Their score of 140 on Board 21 (above) for 3S making nine tricks was the best in the room. As declarer, Barbara in the South seat made a crucial decision at trick one. West led the two of clubs, which gave Barbara the task of guessing who held the Queen. Most often when a low card is led, it promises the possession of an honour card. In a very few cases, it is the only card in that suit. Barbara took the safe option of rising with the Ace of clubs. The search for the Queen could wait. East/West’s trumps were then drawn. Declarer could now win two more club tricks by cashing the Ace and playing the nine. East’s Queen was a winner, but South’s Jack was promoted. Declarer still had enough trumps left to stop East/West from running their hearts and diamonds. The defenders could win only two hearts, one diamond and one club. Had Barbara played the nine of clubs at trick one, hoping that West held the Queen, East would have won the trick and returned a club for partner to trump and drop North’s King. Those who played East/West on Friday may wish to stop reading now. East/West can make ten tricks in both hearts and diamonds, but only one pair bid above the level of three spades. Failing in the contract was still better than letting North/South play in spades.
Results: Monday, 25/09/23 (5-table Mitchell): N/S R. Hart N. McGinness (56.2) 1; N. Collins D. Moran (54.6) 2; L. Don J. Hegarty (50.4) 3. E/W P. Kelly J. Nankervis (67.9) 1; L. James S. Head (52.1); C. Hall D. Dawes (50.0) 3. Friday, 29/09/23 (5 & ½-table Howell): N. Bonnell B. Bonnell (64.3) 1; T. Hinde J. Mobbs (52.8) 2; H. Price C. Hall (52.8) 3 eq. C. Duggan M. Johnston (52.8) 3 eq.