Choose your path at SCOTS PGC

Ryan Bohm and William Bryant - Apprentice Boilermakers.

We’re serious about senior pathways

At SCOTS PGC we take the future of all our students seriously, whether their pathway is work or university. We hold all pathways in high regard and it’s why you’ll find some of our students achieving exceptional results in the academic arena, some excelling in school-based apprenticeships or traineeships and others completing a qualification to get them ‘workplace ready’.

To provide our students with the best possible start to their Senior journey, our Year 10 students start Year 11 in October (Week 4 of Term 4). For those serious about maximising their ATAR it allows more time to cover content, but also allows students to try subject combinations before the formal assessment starts for them next year. It is part of our commitment to ensuring best practice of preparation and practice exams for the new external assessment process. The early start to Year 11 also allows students who are looking to enter the workforce after school, and who are considering a vocational pathway, the opportunity to make inroads into their chosen field before their peers.

Year 12 student Ryan Bohm commenced a school based apprenticeship at the beginning of Year 11.

“Being part of the Vocational program at SCOTS PGC has helped me secure a school-based apprenticeship as a boilermaker with a local business here in Warwick. I learned to weld at school in the Tech Shed which I think has been beneficial for my employers. Knowing some of the core skills has allowed me to hit the ground running and provided me with opportunities to work on bigger projects. I work two days a week and am at school for the remaining days – I like the balance of learning and practical hands on work”

We are always looking to provide every student with as many opportunities as possible and review our subject offerings on a regular basis. We have students who only choose ATAR subjects, some who only focus on the vocational pathway and many who blend their programs to do a combination of both so that they leave school with an ATAR as well as work ready qualifications.

“At SCOTS PGC, I’ve been able to make a headstart on my university subjects even though I am still at school. While I know I have four years of university ahead of me after this year, it’s been great to get involved early and make a start on some of the foundation subjects that all count towards my nursing degree” says Sophie Weier who has just received a Distinction in Literacies and Communication for Healthcare, which is offered by UniSQ and their Headstart program.

We are exceptionally proud of all our students, and our outstanding ability to equip our students with the skills, knowledge, and abilities to enable them to open the doorways to their individual pathways. To develop their tenacity and growth mindset to tackle any challenges and to be successful beyond school and out into the real world. From VET courses that turn into apprenticeships to high grades in general subjects that turn into first class ATAR results, we can cater for a child’s ambitions. We always plan for excellence and are always aiming higher.