Partnering with Good360

Day for Girls Allora and District have committed to 25 kits per month.

Kaylene Williams

At the gathering on the 29 July, a further 60 kits were packed. Finally, we received the information regarding the 150 kit commitment to go to PNG. These have now been despatched.

We are thrilled to share some exciting news! DfG Australia have secured a fantastic partnership with Good360 to distribute our Kits to those in need across Australia. Good360 receives donated goods and offers them to Australian charities and schools for free through their website.

This collaboration is a perfect match for Days for Girls, especially with the rising cost-of-living crisis and increasing requests for period products. Our team has committed 25 kits per month to this project with a possible increase depending on the group’s capacity whilst not impacting on other projects.

Heather gave a well-received talk to a group from Pittsworth and Nobby about DfG last week. Many had not heard of DfG and were very interested in the history and the current status of DfG. She was given lots of positive feedback.

Please consider coming along as there is a variety of jobs to be done by sewers and non-sewers alike. Even if you can’t attend our monthly gatherings, there is certainly sewing which can be completed at home. Please contact one of our executive team for further details if this is of interest to you.

Our fundraising initiative Allora DfG “Container for Cash’ account has had several donations so far. People and businesses may like to use the code ‘C10749279’ when depositing their eligible containers and the refund will be directly deposited into the Allora DfG account. Please contact Kaylene via the Allora DfG email if you would like containers to be collected or they can be brought along or dropped off at any monthly gathering.

As always, the group is requesting donations of: new cotton ladies knickers, new face washers, new flannelette, new 100 percent cotton (non-stretch) material. Please think of us if you are doing a cupboard clean out. Items can be dropped into Allora Hardware store or Bryson’s Florist Warwick marked as Days for Girls. If dropping off items in, please text, phone or email contacts below so that we know to pick things up as not all executive members live in town. As a tax-deductible group, should you wish to give a donation prior to the end of the financial year, please contact us. Monetary donations over $2 are tax deductable and can be transferred to: Allora Days for Girls, BSB 064032 Acc: 10127292. Items can also be dropped off at gathering times.

The next gathering will be on Monday 26 August at 9am at the Function Room, MacKillop House, Warwick St, Allora, next to St Patricks Church entry via McKillop Lane. Please park in Warwick Street. Coffee and tea provided. Please bring along something for morning tea. We hope to see you then.

Thank you – Allora and district Days for Girls Executive team – Heather Goonan Mobile-0434907904, Lenore Wissemann Mobile 0428973432, Shirley Cornhill and Kaylene Williams or email: