Dealer: E Vul: Both
♠ 432
♥ KQ876
♦ J7
♣ Q76
♠ KJ109 ♠ Q86
♥ AJ4 ♥ 103
♦ KQ83 ♦ A962
♣ K9 ♣ A854
♠ A75
♥ 952
♦ 1054
♣ J1032
On Board 10 Monday 20 January the winners, Noela Collins and Mavis Simpson, showed how 3NT is successfully played at Warwick Bridge Club.
They were one of three pairs who bid to that level. At one other table East surprisingly passed partner’s opening bid of 1NT, thereby missing the chance of a bonus, even though they won nine tricks. At the remaining table West’s decision to open 1D made it difficult to find 3NT.They rested in 2D.
In common with the other declarers in no-trumps, Mavis (West) received the lead of a low heart, which was won by West’s Jack. (Leading the King may have worked better.) The standard strategy when playing in no-trumps is to count the number of certain tricks and, if this comes to less than the number of tricks needed, to identify the suit which can provide the extra tricks.
In this case, Mavis could count two heart tricks, probably four diamonds and two clubs. That leaves a shortfall of two tricks.
Of the two black suits, spades is the obvious choice of suit to ensure the success of the contract. Spades must be attacked while West still holds the Ace as a stopper in hearts.
When the Queen of spades is played from dummy, it doesn’t matter whether South rises with the Ace immediately or waits a round or two. Declarer now has control over all four suits.
Once all the defenders’ spades have been exhausted, declarer can count three spade tricks, two hearts, four diamonds (on a good day) and two clubs.
Mavis and Noela scored 660 for their eleven tricks in 3NT. The next best was 600 by Ros Hart and Hilary Price.
Results, Monday, 20 January (5 & 1/2-table Howell): N. Collins M. Simpson (65.3) 1; W. Milne J. Sipple (60.6) 2 eq; P. Campbell D. Moran (60.6) eq; R. Hart H. Price (60.2) 4. P. Kelly J. Nankervis (56.0) 5 Friday, 24/01/25 (5-table Mitchell): N/S N. Bonnell L. Don (61.7) 1; T. Hinde J. Mobbs (61.2) 2. E/W M. Simpson P. Kelly (62.9) 1; D. Moran N. McGinness (57.5) 2.